Tuesday’s Assembly vote null

On Tuesday night, the Assembly voted 3-2 on a resolution that will create a special election June 12 regarding the recall petitions filed against eight of the nine Wrangell Medical Center Board members.

Early Wednesday morning the City and Borough of Wrangell announced that vote no longer counts, as it was determined four “yes” votes were needed.

“An affirmative vote of four members of the assembly is required for adoption of a resolution,” the Wrangell Municipal Code states.

Borough Clerk Christie Jamieson said Wednesday afternoon the Assembly could call a special meeting where members could rescind or amend Tuesday night’s action.

If the resolution passes at a special meeting with the required four Assembly votes at some point early next week, Jamieson said she would have to push back the special election by a week or two.

As of Wednesday at noon, no special meeting of the Assembly had been called.

The Assembly could also decide to leave the now null vote as is, Jamieson said.

NOTE: The April 26 edition of the Wrangell Sentinel will feature an article of Tuesday night’s Assembly vote. The article could not be altered Wednesday morning as it was after the Sentinel’s printing deadline.


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