Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I’ve managed to avoid weighing in about Lynn Campbell’s letters to the editor until I’ve nearly bitten off my tongue. I have always respected Lynn. She and her late husband have done so many wonderful things for this town that there are few people who would dare question her judgment. I’ve tried keeping my mouth shut out of respect for her, but I just can’t continue to do so.

The following paragraph of Lynn’s first letter really set my hair on fire — not that the other rationalizations, attacks, and inconsistencies aren’t also irritating. She said: “Members of hospital boards are liable as individuals if something occurs within the hospital that they had any knowledge of its possibility. In other words, if they were made aware of a potential problem but chose to ignore it and then a problem arose, the liability insurance, which covers board members, would not be valid. Board members cannot say, “we didn’t think it would happen” or any such excuse. They are supposed to take action to prevent incidences. They need to be vigilant so they do not need to defend themselves against something done by another party within the hospital.”

Isn’t she really telling us that she, and obviously 8 of the 9 current WMC board members, aren’t willing to put their money where their mouth is with respect to one of the most basic tenants of our legal system: “innocent until proven guilty?” Isn’t she really telling us that she and they care so little for the truth that they are willing to accept mere allegations as fact? And isn’t she really telling us that she and they are a lot more worried about vague possibilities, potential occurrences, and personal liability than they are about irrevocably ruining the career of “another party” who has never been proven guilty and has openly demonstrated admirable leadership and moral character? How have they all gone so miserably wrong? ??

Nothing has more clearly convinced me that there is no factual basis for the WMC board’s decision than the slick-tongued, double-talk, innuendo BS in Lynn’s letter. She would not have defended their action the way she did if they had one bit of factual evidence.

As I have said openly before, this is all terribly hard for me. These people have been my friends for years, and I do respect all of the personal sacrifices they have made for me and everyone else in this community. But they have let me down and broken my trust by their poor judgment. Now I can’t say that we ever really shared the same value system, and that breaks my heart.

Judy Kay Allen

To the Editor:

Mr. Greg Slarad is my family doctor, a good honorable and forthright person who Wrangell should be proud to have as a physician. I am deeply sadden by what is going on, and have taken the opportunity to research Public Court Documents ( mainly case in point the fair review hearing). I however am baffeled as to the absurdity as to how WMC can even justify suspending/taking away this mans privileges. While in the transcripts you have other Doctors stating that they see no reason for such action, and furthermore I have heard people state that there is more? well what is there that has NOT already been submitted in the courts? I would also like to say that I am thankful to all of our outstanding citizens that have spoken up and said it is time for a change.

Billie Younce

To the Editor:

Recently I relocated from Prince of Wales Island to Wrangell to receive medical care due to my multiple health problems.

Since January 12, 2012, I have been hospitalized twice. During this time there has been confusion with follow up visits, because my primary physician Dr. Greg Salard was unable to obtain my medical notes, charts, medical records of my hospitalizations, as his hospital privileges are temporarily revoked at Wrangell Medical Center.

How can a physician treat a patient with only half of the picture? This proved to be a challenge for both of us.

I made copies of all my medical records and hospitalization and delivered them to him, which he greatly appreciated.

He is very thorough and competent, I am confident with the care I am receiving.

In addition to my medical problems there are a few medical tests that can only be performed in the Wrangell Medical Center. Dr. Salard is the only doctor here in town that can administer these tests. Of course there are traveling physicians that are able to perform these, last month a physician that does these regularly no longer does these anymore. There are others but no schedule for May or June, so we will see.

As you read this you are probably wondering why I am not seeking medical care elsewhere for these tests. It is quite simple, I haven’t the financial means to travel elsewhere.

I need these tests as soon as possible, I have been waiting since January 2012, and for me it could be a life or death matter.

Please consider all the other patients that are in the same position, reinstate Dr. Salard’s hospital privileges for the care of his patients. He is a fine, caring doctor, and individual.

Kathy Krischenmann


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