
Genesis 1:1, John 3:16, Psalm 23. Most who are reading this article will know what those verses say. (FYI there is an entire best seller that goes along with them) We all just celebrated Easter. Each of us did it in a way that was personal. That celebration, the Risen Christ, A New Beginning, happened for each of us personally. We have also just arrived into spring from winter. All of the above is widely known and while there is mystery attached, we pretty much on the whole accept this information and live our lives as we will. Sometimes though the way we live our lives doesn’t reflect a picture that lets anyone know we know these basic facts. When we meet on our Sabbaths and worship, we are really, really good at making sure that our reflection does reflect these above facts. It is when we leave our places of worship and go into the world sometimes we seem to leave all that we have learned safely back there in the place of worship. We all need to remember that worshipping God does NOT require a church or any building… Matthew 18:20 “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” So…. 1. God created it all, from nothing. 2. God loved the world so much He sent His son for us, to save us by dying on the cross. 3. Anytime, anywhere in any situation God is there with us, comforting us, loving us, taking care of needs, keeping us strong. 4. When we are with PEOPLE, He is there among us. That adds up to……..It’s a new beginning, we have received the promise, He is among us……and this is all ours…..just by the Grace of Our Lord Jesus Christ, NOT by anything we do. We just need to ask and accept and then… Go out into the world in Peace.

Nettie Covalt

- Commissioned Lay Pastor


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