To the Editor:

To the Editor:

I am excited to say we are quickly coming to an end of the 2011-2012 school year. As the Superintendent of Wrangell Public Schools I have enjoyed working with staff, Board of Education and serving the community during this past year. Here is what I have come to realize after my first year in Wrangell.

Wrangell has two dedicated Principals covering three schools and coordinating several programs who work hard for kids. A veteran staff who are very talented and have dedicated many years and an incredible amount of hours and time to make Wrangell students one of the top performing in the State. There are always positive comments about Wrangell Public Schools staff and students as I attend functions around the State. The community of Wrangell has a lot to be proud of. Thank you Wrangell for all you do for kids.

The philosophy I bring to Wrangell Public Schools is “Continual Improvement.” We should constantly and consistently continue to look at the areas that we can improve and set forth to find the resourced to do so. This year the timing was up for the strategic plan and we began the process to evaluate the District’s priorities and set new ones. This plan was completed March 2012.

The key focus for the 2011/2012 school year was to hang on to what we have. We worked hard to maintain the art and shop position, we managed to find the resources to keep a 1/2 time counselor and most recently we hired and elementary school teacher to keep small class sized in the elementary school. I am happy to say we were able to do this while maintaining a balanced budge, reducing our costs, and holding a steady reserve.

So what is next in 2012/2013? Next school year will bring three new teachers to Wrangell. We will say good-bye to Dave Brown, and Kirk Garbisch who have spent their career in Wrangell. We hope you will be able to join us for the Chamber Dinner May 11 as we honor their commitment to the community of Wrangell over the past 30 years.

The classrooms will continue to look different. Next year we will finish putting interactive white boards into all classrooms. Mobile technology will take a bigger role in the 2012/2013 school year. Middle School students will begin use laptops in their daily studies. iPads will become more prevalent, as students begin using them as interactive tools with the interactive white boards, Teachers will begin to discuss how implement iPads, in lieu of textbooks, and student reports will be more commonly submitted in digital forms as iMovies, and digital storybooks. The world is changing quickly and so is education. We will continue to look one eye at the present and one eye to the future in building students who will be college ready as well as competent to compete in a ever so shrinking world market.

New Alaska state standards will be adopted in 2012/2013 and we will begin a new journey. We will be adjusting our learning objectives and student outcomes for each grade level. We will continue to work on student engagement, as well as helping kids who are behind catch up, will work on ways to give students the opportunity for advanced placement opportunities. You will see us implementing more native art into our art program, as well as continue our work of creating culturally responsive schools working on such area as bullying, respect and tolerance.

It has been a busy year. The staff of Wrangell Schools have worked hard and well. They deserve to be congratulated for a job well done.

As for the District staff and myself there are lots of logistics to close out the old year and prepare for the new one. Don’t be surprised though, if on occasion you stop by the office and see a sign that says “gone fishing.”

Rich Rhodes, Ed.D.


Wrangell Public Schools


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