Janet Buness Award Nominee deadline

Do you know of a Wrangellite who has made a positive impact on the health of our community? Is there a neighbor out there who labors to help our children grow healthier or our elders enjoy the benefits of eating well and regular physical activity, someone who works hard and may not be recognized for their efforts? The Janet Buness award would be a wonderful way to recognize them and let them know that someone has noticed.

This award is for a person(s) in Wrangell who has improved the health of Wrangell. This can be a direct provider (i.e. nurse, physician, CNA, PT, etc.) or someone who contributes in a less direct but equally meaningful way. The mission of Wrangell Medical Center best sums up the criteria of a potential awardee: “To enhance the quality of life for all we serve”.

To nominate a community member for the award visit http://www.wrangellmedicalcenter.org, call Kris Reed: 874-7196 to have a form emailed to you or stop by the medical center to pick up a form. The deadline is May 18.

Prior winners of this award include the maintenance team at the medical center (Bob Shymanski and Brian Smith), the nurses of Wrangell Medical Center, the Health Fair pair of Marleen Carroll and Cathy Gross, and Janet Strom – Wrangell’s Public Health Nurse.

This year’s award will be presented on May 26 at the Nolan Center during Wrangell Medical Center Foundation’s Golf Tournament Dinner.


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