Summer Reading Program registration open

More than 125 prizes await Wrangell kids this summer in the Summer Reading Program which runs from June 1- July 31. The program is sponsored by the Irene Ingle Public Library, Friends of the Library, and the Wrangell Public Schools. Students from kindergarten to ninth grade can take part.

For the 15th year, the summer program will be using the Accelerated Reading Program. The Wrangell students are already familiar with the program which is used in the schools.

In the program, participants pick out a book from designated bins, check the reading level and upon completion they use one of the school provided computers at the library to take a test. Participants earn points which are tracked by the computers. At the end of each week, points are tallied and tickets are awarded. Tickets are used to enter drawings for the various prizes.

At the conclusion of the program participants with at least 10 points are invited to a pool/pizza party. Last year, 131 students completed the program.

According to Library Director, Kay Jabusch, there is a total of $8,000 worth of prizes, including the party favor, which is supported by a grant from First Bank. The other prizes were donated by community individuals, businesses, and organizations.

“It cannot be stressed enough about the impact these contributors play in the ongoing reading skills of our students and how much their donations are appreciated,” says Jabusch.

Jabusch added that parents are encouraged to participate with younger children who have limited reading skills by reading books and test questions to them.

“By participating, these young children can develop the habit of reading year around,” adds Jabusch.

One of the most important aspects of the program is to avoid the summer set back or summer slide according to Jabusch.

“There have been studies that have shown if students participate in summer reading program then the studentsdon’t lose 3-6 months of reading skills,” Jabusch said.

Prizes are currently on display at the library and prizes are still being accepted if someone is interested in donating to the program.

Students can register at the public library through June 30.


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