Police Reports

Monday, May 14

-Citation issued to Desiree Collins, 21, for failure to provide proof of insurance and verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Arrested Nathan J. Giske, 35, on charges of vehicle theft first degree, DUI, refuse chemical test, no valid driver’s license, criminal mischief third degree, leaving the scene of accident, assault third degree, attempted extortion.

-Traffic stop.

-Suspicious circumstance.

-Child welfare.

Tuesday, May 15

-Citizen assist, vehicle unlocked.

-Citizen assist, message contact.

-Agency assist, parole and probation search.

Wednesday, May 16

-Phone trace.

-Citation issued to James Dawson Leslie, 20, for expired tabs, verbal.

Thursday, May 17

-Officer responded to report of possible theft.

-Verbal warning given for unsecured load.

-Verbal warning for driving habits

-Person reported BB holes in windshield, officer responded.

Friday, May 18

-Possible gunshots, cannon being fired at the airport

-Harassment, text messages.

Saturday, May 19

-Domestic disturbance, verbal.

-Diana K. Gadd, 49, charged with filing false police report.

-Agency assist, line crew.

-Agency assist, theft of crab from pots.

-Citation issued to Michael Johnson, 26, for driving without valid license.

-Citation issued to Russell Grey, 28, for failure to carry proof of valid license and verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Agency assist disturbance, person upset at ferry terminal because he missed the ferry.

Sunday, May 20

-Suspicious circumstance.

-Agency assist, message contact.

There were two calls concerning animal complaints and two requests for an ambulance.


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