Salmon Derby: Svendsen lands a winner

Sometimes it only takes a few pounds to make a difference in Wrangell’s annual King Salmon Derby.

David A. Svendsen can attest to that fact.

Svendsen will take home a $6000 prize and bragging rights for the next year after landing a 46.5-pounder at Found Island on June 3.

“We left on my boat, the Tideline at about 4:30 a.m., and at about 2 p.m. I got the bite,” Svendsen said. “It was my only bite of the day, but after that, the fight was on.”

Shawn Curley takes home a No. 2 spot with his 43.3-pounder taken at Two Tree on May 19, while Travis Bangs slipped in just under the wire – on the last day of the competition – to nail down 3rd place with 42.4-pound King at Craig Point.

Derby committee chairman Bill Privett said the event is equally a matter of recreation and economic development in the borough.

“This event is important for Wrangell because it is the big economic kickoff for our spring and early summer season,” Privett said. “There are a lot of dollars, conservatively half-a-million dollars, moving between hands and businesses here during the derby. It’s also a time when everyone who saves up for their summer recreation goes out and spends their time fishing.”

Privett added that it’s not just Wrangellites that spend money in the borough during derby.

“Even though we haven’t had an out-of-town winner in a long time, those outside folks come in and spend money on groceries, fuel and equipment. It’s good for us all the way around,” he added.

The derby award ceremony will be tonight at the Nolan Center beginning at 6:30 p.m.


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