Letters to the editor

To the Editor:

I would like to thank the Community of Wrangell for the loyal support year after year given to the Wrangell Senior Center. While comparing our building to the majority of centers statewide, we are lacking. Our center is old, has limited space, and very limited parking, in comparison to the majority. But in community support and pride Wrangell is light years ahead of many of the spacious beautiful facilities.

For the past eight years I have had the privilege to serve on the State of Alaska Commission on Aging. The Commissioners are appointed by the current governor. The Board advocates for seniors. To be successful as an advocate, we meet regularly with seniors in every area of our great state via teleconferences, telephone, quarterly meetings, and annual community out reach visits. In Sept 2011 our 15 member board held open meetings and community visits for three days here in Wrangell. Our community support of the Wrangell Senior Center, as well as other agencies and services offered here were visited by the Commission members. They all remarked on and were impressed by the inter-agency support and community support visible in this town.

The small staff of the Wrangell Senior Center prepares, delivers and serves over 50 meals per day, four days a week, 52 weeks per year.

Some centers have staffing problems, lack of community support, internal problems, misuse of funds, and other such negative activity. In the entire history of this center, nothing like that has ever happened.

While this center continues to have dedicated, high caliber employees adding to this success, the support of this community is so very important.

I sat down with George Joseph to have her identify the local supporters. She started off and before stopping for a second breath she had over 50. Then she faltered and said “well, those are the first to mind but…” then she started up with those who give their time and talents, then those who make decorations, place mats etc. down to the preschoolers and Head Start with their paper towel roll decorations. Large or small, young or old, everyone supports the Senior Center.

Thank you Wrangell for working together (as we always do) and being generous and good friends and neighbors. Not all senior centers are so fortunate.

Betty Keegan


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