Ottesen’s tournament held over weekend

In a heavy drizzle of rain and high humidity, Muskeg Meadows Golf Course hosted the Ottesen’s True Value, 9-Hole 4-Person Best Ball Scramble, and 9-Hole, 4-Person Mystery Scramble tournaments June 30-July 1.

The course welcomed 20 participants who took part in the tournament on Saturday, while 12 golfers – three teams of four players – took part on Sunday.

On Saturday, the first place team consisted of Wrangell Golf Club members Bill Messmer, Pete Walden, John Morse, and Eric Kading with a Net 22 score (team handicap, 13.) The No. 2 spot went to the team of Wrangell Golf Club Vice President George Woodbury, Warren Edgely, Martin Pihl, and Ray Cox with a Net 22 score as well (team handicap, 13.)

On Sunday, the only placing team consisted of Woodbury, Mike Symons and club members Greg Scheff and Jerry Bakeburg with a Net 38 score (team handicap, 15.)

Woodbury won both the “Straightest Drive” and “Closest to the Pin” with a 7-foot-5-inch drive and an 11-foot-8-inch shot from the pin.

Ottesen’s donated several prizes that were won in drawings and a $50 gift certificate for the straightest drive and closest to the pin for each day of the tournament. Jerry Bakeburg was the lucky winner of a grill and Mike Symons won a lounger.


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