Police reports

Monday, July 2

-Suspicious activity, person needs to speak to an officer.

-Citations issued to Alan Lee Cummings, 25, for operating with expired registration and failure to show proof of insurance.

-Agency assist, fire department notified, vehicle gas tank leak.

Tuesday, July 3

-Intoxicated person.

-Brandon Kenfield, 17 and Clayton Stokes, 19 charged with minor consuming alcohol.

-Obscene, harassing phone calls.

-Parking complaint.

-Citizen assist, vehicle unlocked.

-Request for ambulance for person who fell.

-Citations issued to Michael Shane Deethardt, 16, for exercise due care to avoid collision and failure to provide proof of insurance.

-Citation issued to James Fahy, 56, for failure to provide proof of insurance.

Wednesday, July 4

-Vehicle unlocked.

-Intoxicated persons.

-Agency assist, ambulance.

-Agency assist, line crew, transformer blew at 5.5 mile Shoemaker Loop.

-Vehicle unlocked.

-Agency assist, wastewater.

-Intoxicated person.

Thursday, July 5

-Charged Devon Nore, 17 with minor in possession of tobacco.

-Traffic stop, verbal warning for littering.

-Curfew violation.

-Report of fire at Chief Shake’s gravesite.

-Intoxicated person.

-Disturbance, Title 47.

Friday, July 6

-Debris on bike path.

-Citation issued to Michael R. Williams, 51, for driving with license suspended, verbal warning for driving habits.

Saturday, July 7

-Citation issued to Susan D. Stewart-Downey, 50, for failure to provide proof of insurance and operating vehicle with expired registration, verbal warning for out of state for over 30 days.

-Verbal warning for driving habits and faulty equipment.

-Arrested Nicholas R. Howell, 24, on charges of assault IV/Police Officer, and disorderly conduct and resisting arrest.

-Traffic stop.

-Agency assist, FFA.

-Impounded black lab that was running loose by Panhandle.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

Sunday, July 8

-Arrested William Nakamura, 31, on charges of violation conditions of release.

-Caller reported person yelling at someone in a vehicle.

There were three dog calls for the week.


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