Alaska Air tournament draws big crowd

Alaska Airlines and Muskeg Meadows golf course held their largest tournament of the year last weekend with an 18-hole drop-out scramble on Saturday and a 9-hole event on Sunday.

Despite a weather forecast calling for rain showers most of the day, the morning clouds burned off and temperatures topped a comfortable 70 degrees for 53 participants who took part in the tournament on Saturday.

Scott Habberstad, the Director of Sales and Marketing for the airline, said the tournament was great – even though his game left something to be desired.

“The community of Wrangell puts on a great tournament and we’re proud to serve the community and help build bridges here,” Habberstad said. “It goes without saying, however, that as a salesman you usually let the client win in golf. I have to give credit to Aaron Angerman, though, for packing our water for the Alaska Air team on the first day of the tourney.”

The first place team on Saturday consisted of Wayne Harding and Kathleen Harding and Arnie and Kathy Sandness, with a Net 36 (Team handicap 37) final score. The second place team was Tyler Gunn, Adam Sprehe, Mike Ottesen, Jr., and Aaron Powell with a Net 41 (Team handicap 27) tally. Jane Bliss, Sue Nelson, George Benson, and Tammy Davidson took third place with their Net 43 (Team handicap 39) score.

Bliss won the “Straightest Drive” with a 22-footer from the line, while Ottesen won “Closest to the Pin” with a 6-foot 1-inch shot. Both won an Alaska Airline CLUB 49 round-trip ticket with no restrictions.

Sunday’s turnout was even better, with 70 players taking part in the 9-hole event.

The team of Joey, George and Brett Woodbury took the top spot with a Net 18, (Handicap 13) score, with 2nd place went to the Harding and Sandness team on a Net 18 (Handicap 19) final tally.

The next tournament at Muskeg Meadows will be this weekend, July 21-22 when First Bank hosts their event at the course.


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