
July 10, 2012

Jeannie L. Littlejohn, 22, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and was found guilty of driving under the influence and is ordered to serve 45 days in jail with 42 suspended. The defendant is ordered to pay fines and surcharges totaling $3555 with $1600 suspended. The defendant is ordered to contact AICS and complete screening, evaluation and recommended program. The defendant’s driver’s license is revoked for 90 days. The defendant is placed on probation for 18 months.

Drake T. Grahm, 19, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and was found guilty of minor consuming alcohol and is ordered to pay fines and surcharges of $410 with $200 suspended. The defendant is ordered to contact AICS and complete evaluation and recommended program. The defendant is placed on probation for one year.

Nicholas Howell, 24, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and pleaded guilty on assault in the 4th degree and is ordered to serve 180 days with 120 suspended. The defendant is ordered to pay fines and surcharges totaling $1200 with $600 suspended. The defendant is placed on probation for two years. The charges of disorderly conduct and resisting arrest were dismissed.

Michael R. Williams, 51, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and was found guilty of driving without valid operator’s license and is ordered to serve 10 days with 10 suspended and must pay fines and surcharges totaling $150 with $100 suspended and is placed on probation for one year.

Erin B. Mclean, 30, appeared before Magistrate Chris Ellis and was found guilty of violating conditions of probation and is ordered to serve the suspended 15 days in jail and pay the previously suspended $100.

Devon M. Nore, 17, was found guilty of minor in possession of tobacco and imposition of sentence is suspended and defendant is ordered to contact Wrangell Youth Court and comply with all recommendations.


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