Police reports

Monday, July 16

-Arrested John P. Quinsaat on charges of assault in the fourth degree, domestic.

-Report of boat trailer missing.

-Officer responded to unlock vehicle.

-Caller reported a dark black Camaro that ran a stop sign and almost hit an elderly person, officer responded.

-Report of dog attacking another.

-Person called stating someone had backed into their car.

-Verbal warning for driving habits and failure to carry and show drivers license.

Tuesday, July 17

-Citation issued to Nicholas D. Lewis, 19, failure to provide proof of insurance verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Report of four to five dogs running loose, officer responded, UTL.

-Caller reported young child at residence where no one is home, officer responded, adult picked up the child.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Officer gave verbal warning for driving habits.

Wednesday, July 18

-Report of missing purple dog carrier from ferry terminal.

-Parking complaint, vehicles moved.

-Car parked in the middle of road, owner notified, vehicle moved.

Thursday, July 19

-Citizen assist, locked keys in car.

-Parking in roadway, owner notified, vehicle moved.

-Arrested Jarvis Perez, 34 on charges of felony theft and DUI.

Friday, July 20

-Report of light on in residence, officer responded all okay.

-Verbal warning for faulty taillights and failure to carry and show proof of insurance.

-Foot patrol Shakes Island.

Saturday, July 21

-Officer unlocked vehicle.

-Report of person driving recklessly, officer responded, someone learning to drive.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment and failure to carry and show drivers license.

-Report of possible gunshots, second caller reported fireworks, officer responded. UTL.

Sunday, July 22

-Fire dispatched for vehicle fire.

-Caller reported someone throwing things around and is concerned, officer responded.


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