Police reports

Monday, July 23

-Inquiries about abandoned vehicle with flat tire.

-Caller wanted to talk to officer about catching a porcupine in their yard and releasing it into the wild.

-Parking complaint, officer responded and vehicle had been moved.

-Report of theft.

-Officer responded to traffic complaint, officer was unable to locate vehicle.

-Caller reported someone throwing things off the porch, officers responded.

Tuesday, July 24

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Report of dog with porcupine quills in its muzzle, officer responded to find owner.

-Citation issued to John Calvert, 60, for failure to provide proof of insurance, expired registration and verbal warning for driving habits.

Wednesday, July 25


-Criminal mischief to screen door, damages approximately $100.

-Report of theft.

-Citation issued to Wayne Daniel St. John, 22, for speeding.

-Intoxicated person.

Thursday, July 26

-Report of harassment.

-Parking complaint, verbal warning for parking in roadway.

-Misconduct involving weapons.

-Verbal warning for disorderly conduct.

Friday, July 27

-Caller reported a barge loose, officer responded and looked like barge may have been moved for incoming cruise ship.

-Officer unlocked vehicle.

-Report of injured eagle, officer responded, GOA.

-Officer responded to possible assault.

-Report of suspicious activity.

-Caller requested an officer to have someone removed from their residence.

-Gunshots, officer responded unable to locate.

Saturday, July 28

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Officer requested to do drive by residence checks.

-Report of strange smell, someone had started their BBQ.

-Verbal warning given for passenger not wearing motorcycle helmet.

-Report of two small bikes found.

-Officer unlocked vehicle.

-Report of juvenile party.

-Requested officer to escort someone out of residence.

-Citation issued to Robert Allen Fruehan, 43, for no proof of insurance and verbal warning for driving habits.

-Driver backed into pole, no damage done, verbal warning for driving habits.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Caller requested officer to speak to someone about car stereo blaring in the driveway, officer responded, UTL.

Sunday, July 29

-Officer gave courtesy transport.

-Officer responded to business being left open, owner notified, all ok.

-Report of theft.

-Officer spoke with young child outside by themselves.

-Unlocked vehicle.

-Beach towel found in road.

-Officer unlocked vehicle

-Verbal warning given for driving habits and no proof of insurance, bringing in proof of insurance.

-Caller reporting noise level, officer responded.

-Received a couple of calls of fireworks being thrown out an apartment window, officer responded.

-Caller concerned about another person, spoke with officer.

There were two ambulance calls and one call about a dog this week.


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