Meet the Candidates, WMC Board

Billie Younce - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

From 2004 through 2006 I served on the Wrangell Wellness Board. We helped with the elderly in seeking Assisted Living and collaborated with the Bjorge House in doing so, helped our Diverse Youth in obtaining their G.E.D. as well as sought programs for the families of this community such as but not limited to the Families Virtues Program.

In 2009 I was involved with the Wrangell Emblem Club, and filled in on the planning committee, serving the Wrangell Elks dinners, the Wrangell Game Dinners, Southeast Ducks Unlimited dinners as well as many functions in the Wrangell community.

In 1998-2006 I held positions in but not limited to Vice President to Secretary on the Tlingit and Haida Wrangell Head Start Parenting/School Board. In 2005 I obtained my WISH Advocacy Certificate, as well as a certificate in Paralegal.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

Some of the main Hospital issues that I would like to address are as follows:

A.) First and foremost is the continuance of building our new Hospital in a financially responsible manner for our community, and furthermore to reiterate per ordinance that the Wrangell City and Borough shall maintain all Authority of the New Hospital Project as I have FULL confidence in our City and Borough.

B.) I honestly believe that we (the WMC) should be running our Hospital as a business. I believe that we have to get a better grip on our finances as well as our budget and bookkeeping. We need to get rid of the antiquated system and not have such a variable and broad spectrum on the budget, the budget should be in my opinion well defined in its entirety. Furthermore it is my opinion in order to rein in our budget and become more financially responsible we (the WMC Board of Directors) should further put a CAP on spending, such as Travel, Leadership Workshops, as well as Consultants.

C.) I believe that it is very important to not only WMC but to our community, that we work together in a collaborative manner with the City and Borough of Wrangell as well as AICS which is a very viable and functional as well as important part of our health care structure. We need to restore the relationship between the Hospital and City and Borough of Wrangell as well as the relationship between the Hospital and AICS.

The Hospital needs AICS and AICS needs the hospital. Furthermore it is very important we restructure the Administrative Staff, and restore the WMC staff confidence and leadership of the Administration and the Board.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

I would look for someone who has excellent Communication Skills, as one would have to be able to balance the needs of the Physicians, Nurses, as well as Staff. You’ve got to be able to balance them all to keep the lines of communication open and running as smoothly as possible, as I know it is not always possible to make everyone happy. Have a Clinical Background, I think that it would help rather than hinder the WMC that the next CEO have this. I think you need to have some medical experience, background, whether it’s an RN or an MD or a degree in the hospital administration.

We need an Administrator that will be a Coach and not a Dictator, we need someone that does not have a “one-size-fits- all approach” we need a “Team Player, a Team Coach,” someone that will be willing to admit that they may not have the answers to a problem, but furthermore to know where to go and whom to ask to get the answers, someone that you have who is willing to trust those under them to do the right thing(s). Furthermore, he or she should be a Decision-maker. While you can be a wonderful Administrator one should not Micro Manage, he or she should be able to make decisions whether they be big, small, easy or hard, but especially the hard ones.

And last but not least the next CEO should always be accessible to their staff. It is my belief and opinion that an Email is NO substitute for direct communication. I believe that a good Administrator should pick up the telephone and talk ear-to-ear or better yet face-to-face with the staff, thus building a strong continuity with the staff and its relationship with the Administrator.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

That the WMC Board of Directors shall communicate openly and freely as much as they need to with the City and Borough of Wrangell.

To work in conjunction with the City and Borough of Wrangell on the New Hospital Project.

To follow ALL City and Borough of Wrangell Ordinances, as well as have the City and Borough of Wrangell community Liaison attend all Executive Sessions of the WMC Board Meetings per City and Borough of Wrangell ordinances.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

As far as this is concerned I have full faith in the City and Borough of Wrangell, Mayor Maxand, Tim Rooney and Mr. Blasco that the necessary steps are being taken in this situation, as per the last Borough Manager’s Report dated June 26, 2012.

Staff was in Washington, DC from June 19th 2012 to June 22, 2012 in order to visit with the offices of Senators Murkowski and Begich, Congressman Young, and Governor Parnell regarding Borough projects and priorities, as well as identifying areas where each office could be of assistance to the Borough.

In closing it is my goal for this community that we move forward, we work steadfast and diligently towards a brighter tomorrow and rebuild the trust in our community in a more financially and responsible manner.

Mike Ashton - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

The single biggest issue before the board at this time is the construction of a new hospital. In the last 6 years I have been the superintendent in charge of construction for roughly 38 million dollars worth of jobs, to include a school, Medical Clinic, Pharmacy, New Airport Facility, Cold Storage and 2 business/residential complexes, not to mention a highly controversial road job. What I can offer this board is sound construction knowledge based on actual building experience, not supposition.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

Everyone, including me wants a new hospital. I want to help the community make sure that (1) It is one we can afford, (2) It is large enough to meet our growing needs without burdening the community with a facility (and debt) that we don’t need, (3) eliminate redundancy — why is there a wing that has a clinic when we have a brand new clinic located right next door and (4), promote a collaborative relationship with the borough assembly, AICS and the Community.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

Qualities we need in our next CEO: Honesty, honor, collaborative thought processes, experience, a sound business accounting background, past business success.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

The Borough Assembly is the only board that can incur debt, I believe. The Hospital Board cannot, so they take direction from the Borough Assembly and the Community and makes it happen.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

I do not know enough about the USDA financing issues to have an opinion one way or the other.

Terri Henson - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

I have lived in Wrangell for almost 29 years and during that time I’ve been active in various clubs and organizations. I have been an active planning and zoning commissioner for the last 10 years. As part of the Planning and Zoning commission I’ve been involved with some aspects of the new hospital plans pertaining to plot and location.

The Planning & Zoning commission worked as a team on the City’s Comprehensive plan and we’re currently working on the zoning ordinances for the outlying areas. I think being able to understand and follow policies and procedures will be a benefit.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

I think the first order of business is to get the board running smoothly again, moving forward with the new hospital plans, finding and hiring a new CEO and completing any unfinished business left behind by the previous board’s departure.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

I think the new CEO should of course be experienced in hospital management. We need someone that can adapt to small town living but not get small town complacent to where they don’t look outside the box.

Someone who is forward thinking in their goals of where we want to see our hospital in years down the line and someone that is ready to take on the challenge of stepping into the turmoil that has been left behind.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

The proper working relationship between City and WMC needs to be one of trust and communication. I would expect that for the next year or so you might see the City more involved while everything with WMC gets back on tract.

After that I think that if everyone works together, communicates and follows the ordinances and policies set forth that we’ll see they are able to step back.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

I believe the City and Borough of Wrangell have made great efforts to insure the funding will remain and I understand that both the City and USDA are waiting for a new board to be seated before moving forward.

Mike Nicholls - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

I am a relative newcomer to Wrangell as I have only lived here since 2008; however, my wife and I have come to call Wrangell home. As such, I feel it necessary to contribute to the community.

I have many years of experience in supervision and management in industry – large and small. This has provided me with many opportunities to communicate with various aspects of the public and private sector. It further provides me with a rich technical background to understand the inner workings of a business.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

The board needs to review the WMC mission, to objectively evaluate the WMC/City and Borough of Wrangell relationship, to determine the problems facing WMC, to select and advise a new CEO who will develop an open and clear working relationship with the board, with the City and Borough of Wrangell, and with the community at large.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

A CEO of a small hospital should have knowledge of finance, personnel administration, purchasing, employee relations, and public relations.

Any CEO needs to have the ability to visualize the future, to listen to the community and WMC employees to determine strategies for WMC operations. All of which must be done in an open and transparent manner.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

Proper working relationships between WMC and the City and Borough of Wrangell must be in an open forum with an information conduit running both directions. Keeping quality medical care available for the community is paramount and can only be accomplished with the cooperation of WMC and the City and Borough of Wrangell. With this arrangement, a synergy may be developed which would greatly benefit the community as a whole.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

USDA financing appears critical to the construction of a new hospital and must be reviewed and pursued to determine how to move forward to completion of the hospital renovation project.

Bernie Massin - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

Held two seats on the Wrangell city council for about 1.5 years when Wrangell was given the $32 million. I have had a seat on the IFA board of directors for the last 3 years. I have had a seat on the LEPC board for the last 5 years.

I have been in the Wrangell Fire Dept. for the last 27 years and 15 plus years as Captain of company No. 1. I am an EMT and I see a lot of what happens at the ER part of the hospital.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

I would like to get the construction of the new hospital back on track. Check into if this is the best possible building and location for the new hospital.

I would like to see the status of the employees and see if the hospital is property staffed. Also push more to hire permanent employees and not temporary ones.

Try to get AICS, the city of Wrangell and the hospital to work together better.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

The next CEO should have experience in the management of hospitals, grants, and a good background and employment check.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

I think the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors should work within the ordinances and laws of the City of Wrangell.

The Hospital Board will keep the City of Wrangell Borough informed of their decisions after every meeting.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

I am unsure of all the financing issues, but at our first meeting have all parties involved to brief us on the issues and see what can be done about them. Then move in a direction so we may have a new hospital in our future.

Marlene Clark - 2013

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

As a student at Island Community College in Sitka during 1981, I was in a new program started there offering classes over audio conferencing for students who lived in Alaskan communities other than Sitka. I was asked to become a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Council for the Sitka campus representing students. After graduating in 1983, I was asked to stay on as an advisor representing outreach communities.

In the late 1980s the U of A proposed a plan to incorporate all the community colleges in Alaska into the closest university campus. Therefore, Islands CC and Ketchikan CC would become satellites of U of A Southeast in Juneau. After voter approval, I served under Chancellor Lind in Juneau, working with both the Sitka and Ketchikan campuses to protect community campus students’ transition to a university campus without credits earned while in a community campus setting.

According to Lind, we in southeast were commended for the smooth transition benefiting students and employees. Sitka gave up its name of Island Community College to become U of A, Southeast Sitka campus. I was asked to remain on the advisory council for Sitka. I did take a year off in the late 1990s but was asked to return. I am still on the council.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Board of Directors?

Retention of medical personnel is of importance, plus good working conditions throughout the medical center.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

We need a director who can give trustworthy leadership and build a good safe working environment for all employees and patients.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

When times are tough the Wrangell Medical Center depends on the City and Borough of Wrangell to come to their aid. The City and Borough have always been willing to work with WMC especially in providing good medical care to Wrangell’s patients.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

First, we have to get past rumors and then determine a plan which both the USDA and WMC and the City and Borough can work with.


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