Roadwork continues despite rain

Inching ever closer to completion, the Wrangell Roads Improvement project team members held their most recent status meeting on Thursday, Aug. 2 at City Hall.

According to project manager Mike Ashton, concrete work has continued during the past weeks near City Market and Sentry Hardware. Concrete work also continued between Campbell Drive and St. Michael’s Street.

Ashton added that nearly all the underground utility installations are complete up to Case Avenue, which is the end point of the more than yearlong project.

“We have storm drains, sanitary sewer connections, and water connections going in, and they should all be done by the end of this week,” Ashton said.

This week, installation of storm drains, as well as water and sewer utilities between Curleyville and Case Avenue will continue, as will installation of 10-inch and 2-inch road material between Episcopal Street and Case Avenue. Crews will continue pouring concrete and grading between Campbell Drive and Episcopal Street this week, as well.

City Market owner, Benn Curtis said he was only slightly concerned with the slow progress near his store – but that he understands why the pace has slowed in recent days.

“The slow work has affected us to a certain extent,” Curtis said. “I wish it was moving a little faster, but it’s all dependent on the weather, which I understand.”

Weather has been a factor, according to Ashton – but he said his crews are committed to getting the job done on time.

“There won’t be any days of the week, for the rest of the job, that we won’t have people either prepping or pouring concrete. Short of torrential rains, we can pour every day until the end of the job,” Ashton said.

The project is tentatively set to wrap up on Sept. 21. The next meeting of the project team is set for Aug. 16 at 10 a.m. at City Hall.


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