Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Obama and the Democrats are happy that Obamacare was found constitutional including the mandate that every American purchase health care insurance. If someone here in Wrangell does not buy health care insurance a tax will be imposed on that individual.

Of course I consider this move by the Democrats to increase the government in my life outrageous. I also believe Obamacare will lower the quality of healthcare here in Wrangell and make healthcare more expensive. I think we should have allowed the Republican alternatives like allowing competition across state lines of insurance companies, etc.

The Democrats have been pretty quiet about what would happen if someone in Wrangell fails to get health care insurance and fails to pay the imposed tax. IRS agents will attempt to seize financial assets or real property. If you would attempt to prevent the government from taking your property you are subject to arrest and imprisonment.

I hope everyone in Wrangell notifies our state and federal government representatives, especially our Obama puppet Mark Begich, and tell them to repeal this legislation. Be wary of someone saying they are from the government and they are there to help you. Plato once said we must be involved in politics or be prepared to be governed by our inferiors.

Steve Murphy

To the Editor:

This is in Response to the July 19th article about Greenpeace and The Center for Biological Diversity preparing to sue the U.S. Fish and Wildlife over a ‘rare’ subspecies of gray wolf in Southeast Alaska.

Hogwash as usual from our extreme left wing environmental friends. By the way there hasn’t been any logging of any magnitude in well over a decade in Southeast Alaska. Please come up with a better goofball excuse than logging and roads as the ruination of Southeast Alaska. How about “Global Warming” that’s a real popular buzz phrase or maybe we could save the wolves from the nuclear release in Japan last year. I think we could all sink our teeth into that.

As I look around Southeast and fail to see all the destruction that is supposed to exist I want to thank again the loggers and U.S. Forest Service for creating commerce, recreational areas, roads, and opportunity all of us get to use, just not the privileged few. By the way the wolves, bear, deer, elk, and eagles etc. are not endangered.

Bill Privett-President

Friends of the Forest


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