Meet the Candidates, WMC Board

Janell Privett - 2015

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I spent most of my adult life volunteering in our community and all of my experiences are from the various boards and commissions I have served on. I served three terms on the Wrangell School Board for a total of nine years, seven of those as the chair. I was given the opportunity to attend yearly training in Roberts Rules of Order, responsibility of working as a functioning and working board, facing change and bringing that change forward in a manner that brings consensus and success.

Example: Wrangell Teachers Association and Wrangell School Board trained and worked to negotiate Interest Based Bargaining, rather than in an adversarial manner. Other experiences I have had in serving the community of Wrangell include: Legislative Lobbying for the Community of Wrangell, 12 years Friends of the Wrangell Museum, Fundraised and worked to build the James and Elsie Nolan Center, member and past chair of the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce, Vision for Wrangell 2020 strategy plan, chair of the Presbytery of Alaska Board of Trustees, Chair of the Presbytery of Alaska finance, foundations and endowments.

I was also appointed by Governor Tony Knowles to serve as a member of the Adequacy in Education Committee, Alaska Department of Education, was chair of the resolution committee-governance, Association of Alaska School Boards Association and member of the interview committee to choose members for the board of directors, Excellence in Boardsmanship Award-2003, Distinguished Service National School Boards Association.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a board member of the Wrangell Medical Center?

Establish a positive, professional partnership with Alaska Island Communities, and the City/Borough of Wrangell with the WMC.

All policies, handbooks and bylaws must be reviewed by the City Clerk and approved by the assembly before they are established as working documents for WMC.

Train the board in understanding the responsibility to the public by following the policy and ordinances of the City/Borough of Wrangell, State of Alaska and the Federal Government in those areas that apply to WMC, re-establish longevity with Wrangell medical staff, strategies, re-organizing if necessary, and being done with ownership of all staff. The WMC can still have the feeling of a family work atmosphere with change.

The community lost the feeling of a small family atmosphere, and appreciated the small community atmosphere, which was strength in my opinion. This has improved some in the last few months and consensus is achievable when time is taken to talk, educate and create ownership and trust in all work environments.

What qualities should the WMC Board look for in the next CEO?

An individual who understands the life of living in Alaska or the Northwest will help in understanding a small community and family work environment. Must have leadership qualities that take all staff input in building consensus. Able to know and understand staff, conduct themselves as a member of all aspects of the WMC team and yet a leader. Support a positive environment for staff and community. Honor and recognize the staff’s value and devotion to provide the best care for this community. Be a member of an established working team to include the Wrangell City/Borough City Manager and Alaska Island Community Services CEO. Look, Learn, Listen before rushing in and assuming change must be quickly done without ownership of all employees, if change is necessary. Establish a relationship in the community with the people that the administrator is responsible to.

Provide on the WMC web site an administrator’s report and public communications, minutes of meetings. Reaching out to those that can’t attend meetings. Have experience in writing grants, work with as little assistance as possible, observe and evaluate what is necessary to be a successful administrator in the community of Wrangell.

Follow procedures as established and to establish an environment and assistance for employees to improve strengthen or recognize when a member of the staff is burning out. Rid the hospital of the fear of “Fire at Will”. Fear and intimidation in the work place is dysfunctional. Respect in the work place establishes respect and a place you want to work.

Must have lobbying experience or ability to learn quickly how to lobby with the City/Borough of Wrangell and AICS. Ability to work as a team with City Manager, AICS meeting on a regular basis to achieve continuity in achieving all possible avenues to continually evaluate improvement, growth and needs.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City of Wrangell and Borough of Wrangell and the Wrangell Medical Center?

The proper working relationship is to recognize that we are a department of the City/Borough of Wrangell, and responsible to the people as elected officials following the ordinances and policies of the City/Borough of Wrangell. WMC, City/Borough and AICS are a team that represent the people of Wrangell and are responsible to the people of Wrangell. When you work as a team there is shared information and goals that strengthen medical care.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect WMC Renovation project?

The City is moving forward with a new hospital. The only hold up there will be if there is not enough revenue from the hospital budget to address USDA’s financing concerns. This shouldn’t be a problem if the community wasn’t misled by the former board and administrator.

If the revenue is not adequate to make the payments of the hospital as proposed, then the City/Borough and WMC will have to reevaluate the financing and build within our capacity.

I have been very impressed with what City Manager Tim Rooney is doing to honor and protect the community as he works with the hospital.

Renovation is not what the WMC and City/Borough has been charged with by the vote of the people. As I understand my charge renovation would be a misrepresentation of what the people want. WMC as well has a responsibility to honor agreements to build the new hospital next to Alaska Island Community Services.

Woody Wilson - 2015

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I have been a school administrator for well over thirty years. During those times I have worked with many boards, commissions, city councils, and borough assemblies. I have extensive broad experience writing and reviewing board policies. I have vast and thorough knowledge in hiring practices and have assisted boards in the hire of high-level executives. This is one of the reasons I volunteered for the WMC Board.

I am hopeful the WMC board can manage the hiring process without the expense of an outside consultant. I also have personal experience as a board member and as a board officer; REMSCO (a halfway house for persons with drug and alcohol addictions) member; Rockingham County Community College Board of Trustees member; Faith Methodist Church Board member; Rockingham County Council of Exceptional Children member; Alaska Association of School Administrators member, president elect, president, past president; Rotary International member, president elect, president, past president; Southeast Regional Resource Center member, executive board member, president elect, president, past president (elected and served each of these seats multiple years with exception of past president; Alaska Council of School Administrators president, Hope Church of God president; Wrangell Chamber of Commerce member.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the WMC Board of Directors?

First and foremost is the hire of a new Hospital CEO. The second major issue is to develop a strong relationship with the Borough Assembly and rebuild the trust between these two groups of elected officials.

Beyond that the WMC Board needs to move forward with the new medical center assisting and advising the Borough throughout the construction process. I also believe that the new board should begin a thorough review of their policies and procedures. Hospital board training may also be in order.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of the WMC?

The CEO should be a strong leader with experience in hospital administration. This person should be a good, clear communicator, be knowledgeable in hospital law and regulation both at the state and federal level, have expertise in personnel management, have the ability to recruit and retain necessary personnel, understand the legislative process and be able to work constructively with all elected officials, have knowledge and ability to write grants, be able to write and manage budgets and make budget predictions, and be willing to become active in our community.

What do you feel is the proper working relationship between the City and Borough of Wrangell and the WMC?

The Borough Assembly is the managing body of elected officials for the entire Wrangell Borough. The WMC Board is also elected but serves specifically for the purpose of operating and maintaining the WMC. There should be a good, strong working relationship between the two elected bodies. Communication between the bodies should be maintained and meetings of their members or their full boards held when necessary.

How do you view the USDA financing issues that affect the WMC renovation project?

I was under the impression that the USDA financing was for the purpose of building a new facility and not for the purpose of renovation. I have not been informed beyond what I read in the paper or listen to on the radio.

I have not attended WMC Board meetings in the past and have not read the project description, scope of work, nor have I reviewed the financial arrangements. I can assure the voters that if I am elected I will become very knowledgeable in the USDA financing, the WMC Board Policies and Procedures, and all other topics that come before the WMC Board.

Judy Allen - 2012

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I previously served on the school board. My first husband and I started and ran a flying service for 13 years. In the process I acquired important business and decision-making skills. I have a Masters Degree in Social Work and worked as a child protection worker for the state for 15 years, then as a court appointed Guardian ad Litem and Court Visitor for 6 years.

Both positions required intimate knowledge of the court system and close working relationships with AICS, the school system, and police department, with occasional staffings, interviews and networking with Hospital personnel -- nurses, CNAs, and doctors. I acquired valuable interview, investigation, and assessment skills. My experience has also given me leadership, mediation and negotiation skills that can provide positive influence going forward in this challenging time.

If elected to this short-term seat, will you run again for the same seat in the general election?

If I were elected to serve, I would file for reelection in the regular election in October 2012, but would not seek to serve beyond 2016.

What do you think you can accomplish, in the short-term, if elected to fill this seat?

In the incredibly short term of this unexpired seat, no doubt my biggest accomplishment will be starting to move forward.

Hiring the right hospital administrator is of the utmost importance, and I would like to see that process started as soon as possible. Concurrently with that search I would like to see effort invested to improve WMC’s relationship with the Borough Assembly and Alaska Island Community Services. Work on the hospital replacement project needs to go forward within a cooperative environment between WMC, its most important community partners, and the USDA. The people of Wrangell deserve no less than our total commitment to this effort.

Other priorities are beginning to revisit the credentialing of Dr. Salard and beginning to restore the reputation of WMC to its former level of excellence so that doctors will want to come here, all staff will feel valued, respected, and appreciated, and every patient and long term care resident receive the highest quality care with the greatest attention to safety.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

I would want the new administrator to show strong leadership skills, which must include the ability to earn the trust, loyalty and respect of all they lead. An effective leader is not one who has all the answers, but one who solicits the input, the opinions and suggestions of those he leads. I would want an administrator who encourages and empowers those he supervises to attain their own greatness, and I would never accept any administrator who bullies or intimidates. Of course I would look for an administrator who is honest and ethical and one with humility of spirit who always treats others with dignity and respect.

Although I would want an administrator who comes with a strong history of hospital administration and excellent references, I might favor one with lesser experience if they have knowledge of Alaska, an appreciation for the cultural richness we are blessed with and the unique challenges we face here. I would want an administrator who can bring ideas and recommendations to the board without thinking the board should always agree, and I would want an administrator who looks to the board to set policy and believes it is his responsibility to “administer” that policy.

Marlene Messmer - 2012

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

This is the first time I have run for a City elected office.

Wrangell has been my home for 35 years. For the past 32 years, I have been a member of the local chapter of Beta Sigma Phi and have held every office in that organization. This is where I felt a commitment to and a way to serve my community. For 17 years, I was employed by Cablevision/GCI, and for the past eight years I have worked part time at the museum. I have volunteered with the school system, was a scout leader, and a member of Alaskans for Drug Free Youth.

However, what qualifies me to sit on the board is that I care what happens to Wrangell Medical Center and the Long Term Care Facility. A good listener, I can look at all sides of a situation. I'm known for not making hasty decisions.

If elected to this short-term seat, will you run again for the same seat in the general election?

If elected I am willing to run for the same seat in the general election.

What do you think you can accomplish, in the short-term, if elected to fill this seat?

There is a lot that can be accomplished in the short-term. First, is convincing those holding the monies for the building of the new hospital that we are ready to move forward with this project and break ground for the building to begin.

Second, I would want the employees of WMC to know they should be proud of all the work they do for the people and their families that use WMC services.

If you have a hill to climb, waiting won't make it smaller.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

The qualities the board should look for in the next CEO is that they should be qualified and have experience in running a hospital and long term care facility.

They should be up to date on all credentials and licensing, also, have good people management skills. That person should be comfortable living in a small, isolated town, and if that person has a family, they too should welcome island living.

Robert Henry - 2012

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I have experience as a human being operating in the group setting termed life.

If elected to this short-term seat, will you run again for the same seat in the general election?

I would run again if elected.

What do you think you can accomplish, in the short-term, if elected to fill this seat?

I hope to establish myself as a voice of reason.

What qualities should the board look for in the next CEO of Wrangell Medical Center?

The next administrator at the hospital will need patience and tolerance for a start.


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