New cedar arrives at Shakes House

With coats of stain covering the walls, and the majority of framing complete, the Chief Shakes Tribal House is more than halfway toward completion.  

According to project superintendent Todd White, the work continues and brings the finished house closer to reality every day.

“The walls have been up for some time, but now the roof is halfway done and the adzers are doing everything they can to keep the cedar flowing to the island,” White said. “If I had to put a number on the total project, I’d say we’re about 65 percent done. We expected to salvage about 30 percent of the existing Tribal House, but that number turned out to be closer to 7 percent, creating additional work.  But even with the additions, we’re still on time for the 2013 rededication.”  

The old roof, put together in 1939, consisted of only cedar planks and shakes. White said the new Tribal House roof would still sandwich some 3/4-inch plywood, along with a layer of WaterShield rubber membrane between the cedar planks and shakes. With those new additions, the roof and new foundation should avoid the moisture issues faced by the previous structure.

“It’s just awesome to see it all coming together,” continued White. “The project has been the most challenging I’ve ever taken on, but also the most rewarding. It’s great to come to work and see everyone on the job really enjoying and caring about what we’re trying to do here.”

Wrangell Cooperative Association president Ernie Christian said he is impressed with the progress.

“To see the crew staining the exterior walls and progressing on the roof is amazing.” Christian said. “There are some beautiful pieces of wood in there, and the look and smell the adzed cedar is phenomenal. The adzers have done some impressive work.”

The WCA also had their request of three red cedar logs to replicate three totems approved, meaning the Undersea Bear, Strong Man, and Bear Up the Mountain totem poles are well on their way to being re-carved and re-seated on the island.

The Bear Up the Mountain totem has been taken down and sits in two parts on the island behind the Tribal House. The bear portion will be saved, but the 17-inch mountain cannot be salvaged. The Strong Man and Undersea Bear are the other two totems in need of complete replication and are currently being stored by the City of Wrangell.

Sealaska has already donated twelve cedar logs towards the renovation of Chief Shakes House. Those cedars were allocated by Sealaska Timber Corporation, finished on Prince of Whales Island, and shipped to Wrangell where they were adzed in the carving shed used to replace the largest pieces of the Tribal House, along with the corner posts and sill beams.


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