Championship, BSA tournament at Muskeg Meadows

The sun was shining just long enough on Sept. 1 for 11 members of the Muskeg Meadows Golf Club to compete individually for the 2012 course championship.

Shooting a 92, with handicap of 20, club member Randy Littleton seized the championship for the 3rd annual event. Littleton’s best game shined on Nos. 6, 11 and 18 as he shot for par, and drained a pair of reasonably long putts as well.

“Randy’s game improved a lot, as he hadn’t been out to practice much lately,” said course co-manager Shannon Booker. “These were our fundamental and core group of players throughout the year. We also had a predominant turnout of our Wrangell golfers, with three of the competitors coming from Petersburg.”

Defending club champion Jim Books, and 2010 club champion George Woodbury also played, along with Rocky Littleton, Rodney Littleton and Ray Pederson who came from Petersburg to attend. Other contenders included Eric Kading, Faye Kohrt and her husband, Keene Kohrt, Warren Edgley, and Glacier Larsen.

The straightest drive went to Keene Kohrt with a 28-inch drop from the line, with Brooks making it closest to the pin at 12-feet-1-inch.

Just a few days before the championship, the largest group of junior golfers in the history of the course came out to play on Aug. 29 for the Boy Scouts of America’s Youth Tournament.

A group of six girls and 13 boys, ranging from 7-15 years old, attended the annual event. After completing a 6-hour instructional clinic with Don and Bonnie Roher, nine first-time golfers took part in the event.

Robyn Booker was part of the tournament and said, “It was awesome, I really liked it. I’m definitely going to play in the next one.”

Robyn’s brother, Killian Booker, also played and said, “I thought it was awesome, I only hit the ball a little but it went really far. I can’t wait to play in the next one. I’m going to get better at keeping my ball out of the trees.”

It was a special birthday for Justus Mikkelsen, who turned 15 years old, and was on the first place team.

“I had fun,” he said. “I like golf. I can drive the ball 200 yards, but I need to work on keeping it in play. I plan on playing more often.”

Participants included Taylor Carey and Quinn Carey, siblings from Montana. Trevor Miller, Jonah Comstock, Matthew Covalt, Kellen Eagle, Tyler Eagle, Curtis Wimberley, Caleb Groshong, Mikel Smith, Tyson Messmer, Aaliyah Messmer, Justus Mikkelsen, Grace Mikkelsen, Mercy Mikkelsen, Hope Mikkelsen, James Allen Shilts, Robyn Booker and Killian Booker.

The top team consisted of Tyler and Kellen Eagle, Justus Mikkelsen, Covalt, Miller, and Quinn Carey.

The next and final tournament of the year will be this weekend as the course hosts the “Two Clubs and a Putter” competition on Saturday. Sign up starts at 9:30 a.m., with tee time set for 10 a.m.


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