Rep. Wilson takes GOP race

Representative Peggy Wilson easily won the nomination for the Republican ticket in the race for District 33 on Aug. 28, with 986 votes cast in her favor – a 46 percent margin of victory.

Wilson, who has held her seat in the legislature since 2001, will now face off against Democrat Matt Olsen and Rep. Kyle Johansen of Ketchikan in the Nov. 6 general election.

The incumbent from Wrangell was effusive about her opponents the day after the election.

“I really want to thank my opponents for keeping the focus on the race and not dirty politics,” Wilson said. “The two of them are classy ladies and I learned to appreciate them both.”

Agnes Moran of Ward Cove came in second in the GOP race, with 683 votes, with Ketchikan’s Patti Mackey, ending up in third place with 476 votes.

Johansen had originally filed to run as a Republican in the primary, but he bailed out of the race in May and filed to run as an Independent. He needed to gather at least 50 signatures to qualify.

“I’m look forward to a good healthy debate over the next 70 days and looking forward to coming to Wrangell,” Johansen said. “I’m also looking ahead to meeting a lot of new people throughout the district. Peggy and I have known each other for a long time, so it’ll be difficult to run against her, but we’ll both do it right.”

Olsen, a Ketchikan City Council member and teacher at the Tongass School of Arts and Sciences did not reply to a request for interview by deadline for this story.


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