Meet the Candidates - School Board

Twyla Nore

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell School Board?

I am a mother of four who has put my children through the Wrangell School System. I was very involved while my children went to school. Their education was one of my top priorities. They all went on to become productive alumni of Wrangell High School.

Why are you running for the board?

I currently have four grandchildren that are enrolled in the school system. I now have time to contribute in this capacity. Education is moving and evolving rapidly. When a student graduates from our high school, I want to know that we provided them the right tools to face their tomorrows. Regardless of if they choose college, vocational school, or straight to the work force, I want them to be less fearful of the unknown because of the skills they were taught here at Wrangell High.

How would you work to keep the public schools in Wrangell operating at the high educational level they are recognized for?

I believe the school board has a great mission statement. Their goal is vision in all things. I would like to give back to this community, and do my utmost to work side by side with the other board members and keep moving forward. I was so impressed with the Blue Ribbon Award the elementary school received; I want that kind of achievement for the middle and high school as well.

List three projects or issues you would like to see addressed if you are elected to the board.

An anti drug campaign is very important. We need to work with parents; students and public officials to protect our children from grade school up to get them out of our schools. Bullying in all class levels need to be addressed. I have a concern for students who want to participate in sports and other school activities, but can't afford the equipment or travel. This can be a large burden on parents.

Krissy Smith

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell School Board?

I have served on the Wrangell School Board for a couple of years now. I am currently serving as the Vice President of the board. I have six children; three have graduated from Wrangell Public Schools, one is currently in high school and two children in the elementary school. I have 17 years’ experience with early childhood education and previously owned the childcare center in town where I was in charge of the finances, eleven employees and working with families and their children. I am currently the chair of the Wrangell Early Childhood Coalition where I am in charge of organizing the partnership, running the meetings and taking care of the grant and budget. I have experience working with other team members in working toward what is best for an organization, its members and the community.

Why are you running for the board?

I am running for the board as I would like to continue to ensure that Wrangell’s schools are of the highest quality and that we can continue to operate at the standards that we have set and strive for improvements. I would like to ensure that Wrangell’s children have the best opportunity for an educational experience that will prepare them to be successful adults.

How would you work to keep the public schools in Wrangell operating at the high educational level they are recognized for?

I would work to keep the public schools in Wrangell operating at the high educational level they are recognized for by working with other members of the board, school officials and staff to ensure that we are operating within our budget, working at keeping up with technology, have highly qualified teachers and staying on top of the current changes in curriculum requirements.

List three projects or issues you would like to see addressed if you are elected to the board.

I would like to see continued improvement in technology. In this fast paced world that we are living in it is important that our students are getting experience with the technology that they will be using outside of their classrooms. It is also important that our teachers are able to use technology to teach in their classrooms as the new technology offers advanced ways for the teacher to teach and better opportunities for the children to learn.

I would like to see the food service continue. Research has shown that students who are not hungry score better on tests and can concentrate better in their classrooms.

I would like to ensure that our finances are taken care of in a way that ensures that we can continue to run efficiently and continue to operate at the high education level we are recognized for.

Tammy Groshong

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell School Board?

I have worked for the school district for 8 years. I was president of the Boys and Girls Club and I have served on the Parks and Recreation board. I have had two children graduate from Wrangell High School and I currently have one in middle school. I have been a sophomore and senior advisor and have volunteered for many school activities and out-of-school activities.

Why are you running for the board?

I have always taken an interest in education and want what’s best for Wrangell’s children.

How would you work to keep the public schools in Wrangell operating at the high educational level they are recognized for?

I believe it is important to maintain the current programs we have for students even when we have a declining budget. Emphasis needs to be put on the industrial arts program to prepare students for the workforce. It is also important to continue offering college credit to make post-secondary more affordable for our students.

List three projects or issues you would like to see addressed if you are elected to the board.

One, it is important to establish a kitchen so our food program can continue to offer nutritional meals to our students. Two, we need to continue to stay on the forefront of technology to prepare our students for a changing world. Three, I would like to address curriculum needs so that every student is successful in meeting the state standards, as well as being prepared for college. Curriculum needs to be aligned throughout the grades.

Kip Valvoda

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell School Board?

I have worked for several school districts, building some new schools, remodeling others. Also worked in the cafeteria of one.

Why are you running for the board?

I feel it is my civic duty to serve this community. Being that I am new here, it’s part of my plan to get to know everyone.

How would you work to keep the public schools in Wrangell operating at the high educational level they are recognized for?

By attempting to work with others on important issues and keep away from the “cookie-cutter, just pass the kid along,” mind set.

List three projects or issues you would like to see addressed if you are elected to the board.

Cafeteria – Local? Fresh? Students involved. Technology – How do we use it? Advantages? Distractions? Building/Grounds – Upkeep? Usage? Can we do more?


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