Police reports

Monday, Sept. 3

-Dog complaint.

Tuesday, Sept. 4

-Citizen assist, unlock vehicle door.

-Report of verbal disturbance.

-Civil matter, in reference to a child custody issue.

-Officer responded to a noise complaint.

Wednesday, Sept. 5

-Dog complaint.

-Vacation check.

-Report of possible theft.

-Citation issued to Judith Hoyt, 35, for failure to provide proof of insurance.

-Report of possible theft.

-Officer unlocked vehicle.

-Report of juvenile shoplifting.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

Thursday, Sept. 6

-Verbal altercation, individual came to the police department and spoke with an officer.

-Report of dog hit by car, officer responded and notified owner.

-Citation issued to Travis L. Saunders, 38, for failure to provide proof of insurance and verbal warning for improper display of registration.

-Caller requested assistance due to their vehicle window exploding, public works also notified to sweep up the glass.

-Caller reported a vehicle off the road past the end of the pavement.

-Welfare check.

Friday, Sept. 7

-Officer did a welfare check.

-Citation issued to Nicholas Todd Welch, 25, for speeding.

Saturday, Sept. 8

-Noise complaint, officers made contact, warning given.

-Caller reported dead animal on roadway, officer responded unable to locate.

-Possible assault, officers notified.

-Citation issued to Adrienne McLaughlin, 27, for expired registration.

-Citizen assist, unlocked vehicle.

-Welfare check, officers made contact with person, everything is fine.

-Dog complaint, citation issued to Jim Holder, 39, for dog at large.

-Officer responded to a civil issue.

Sunday, Sept. 9

-Officers requested for intoxicated person.

-Welfare check.

-Officer responded to possible MIPC.

-Citizen assist, unlock vehicle.

-Property owners are asked to remove dead deer carcass, owners will take care of it.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Officer responded to youth in need of supervision.

-Citizen assist, person reported catching neighbor’s cat instead of their own and needed officer to help release the cat.

There were two ambulance re-quests.


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