Judicial Council: ‘Yes’ on judges

Three judges in Alaska’s First District are up for retention in the Nov. 6 general election – Ketchikan Superior Court Judge William Barker Carey, and Juneau District Court Judges Keith Levy and Thomas Nave.

Voters are also being asked whether they want to retain Alaska Supreme Court Justice Daniel Winfree, and Alaska Court of Appeals Judge Joel Bolger.

Like other states, Alaskans vote on whether judges should serve another term in office.

Alaska law requires the Alaska Judicial Council to evaluate judges who are eligible to run for retention, and publicly state their position. In this year’s election, the council recommended that Alaskans vote “yes” to retain all those running for the bench.

The council is established in the state constitution and its members comprise three non-attorneys, appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Legislature, and three attorneys appointed by the Alaska Bar Association.


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