Meet the Candidates - WMC Board

Barbara Conine

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

Extensive business experience of actually running two businesses, hiring, firing, meeting payroll, budgeting, customer service, knowing what to keep private and dealing with many governmental agencies. I spent several years on the first Tourism Advisory Board as we worked to market Wrangell as a destination, not just a stop along the way.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I would like as a board to dig into why we are unable to keep more qualified doctors and nurses here as I believe that those who live here will know the population as a whole person, not as a name on a chart for a 15-minute visit. We need more residents to join the fine local staff we do have so that they are the majority, not the minority. I’d like input from the employees as to what is on their mind about the running of the hospital and I’d like to respect their confidentiality on this if they feel more comfortable with that. I’d like to develop a rapport with the public and get their input on what the most important issues are to them.

What is your opinion of the lawsuit filed by the borough against former members of the hospital board?

I think it regrettable that it had to go that level but the City was left with no other option. No one in this town should earn more than the governor of this state and no one should be getting more than 90 days of severance pay. The evergreen clause is generally used for small items such as maintenance contracts or gym memberships for a year- not five years- and for small amounts not a salary higher than it should have been in the first place. As near as I can tell, that money paid to the former administrator was about one third of what should have been in an account for the new hospital loan according to USDA. Yet we were told there was not money to put aside for a new hospital. I believe the lawsuit is necessary as Wrangell tries to recover the funds that have been drained away from the new hospital.

What are your thoughts regarding the construction of the new Wrangell Medical Center facility.

I would like to see Wrangell build a good, solid facility that will not fall apart in 30-40 years like this one has then we’d be in the same position all over again. I’d like to think it is possible to build something that will last, can be upgraded as necessary, can be added onto if necessary, is easy to clean and easier for nurses to care for patients. People will live and die there and it needs to be a good place for both. I believe the hospital board needs to work together with the community to make a new hospital a reality.

Judy Allen

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

As stated previously, I served on the school board in the past. My first husband and I started and ran a flying service for 13 years. In the process I acquired important business and decision-making skills. I have a Masters Degree in Social Work and worked as a child protection worker for the state for 15 years, then as a court appointed Guardian ad Litem and Court Visitor for 6 years. Both positions required intimate knowledge of the court system and close working relationships with AICS, the school system, and police department, with occasional staffings, interviews and networking with Hospital personnel – nurses, CNAs, and doctors. I acquired valuable interview, investigation, and assessment skills. My experience has also given me leadership, mediation and negotiation skills that can provide positive influence going forward in this challenging time.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

As I have stated, there are many action items that need to be addressed, and I have moved forward in my efforts to see that issues from all the members are brought before the board for prioritization. Meeting with the Borough attorney, moving forward with the new medical facility, hiring a new administrator and a new CFO, continuing to work with the borough assembly on fine-tuning their new ordinance relating to the Wrangell Medical Center Board, and improving employee morale, among others, all need to be prioritized.

This needs to be accomplished in an atmosphere with the greatest cooperation possible between WMC and its community partners: AICS, the Borough Assembly, and our local tribe. And although it is probably the hottest topic of them all, we need to readdress the credentialing of Dr. Salard. The way in which the old board denied his privileges has unfortunately identified Wrangell as a community that is toxic and professionally dangerous, and doctors do not want to risk their careers by coming here. Many locums who have come state they are never coming back. This situation cannot be allowed to continue.

What is your opinion of the lawsuit filed by the borough against former members of the hospital board?

I am not sure that the lawsuit filed by the borough against former members of the hospital board is anything that the new board needs to concern itself with. In my opinion, this is strictly a legal matter between the borough (plaintiff) and the defendants in the case. This issue is currently before the court and in the hands of the attorneys. I hope to leave it there and desire nothing more than that the best interest of the borough, Wrangell Medical Center, and the citizens of Wrangell will prevail as we move forward to equally pressing issues.

What are your thoughts regarding the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center facility?

From the latest communication the WMC board had with the Borough Manager, the construction of the new Wrangell Medical Center facility is still slated to go forward. USDA has stated their continued support and excitement for this project, although their original obligation for ARRA funds has expired. I believe USDA will be impressed with the experience, stability, and commitment of the new board. The contracts for construction have been signed contingent only on securing the necessary funding. In order to see this facility completed we need to ascertain that current revenue flow to WMC is stable and viable for repaying the loan. Security and rate of interest for the loan needs to be reviewed and finalized, and the loan needs to be approved by the Borough Assembly prior to closing with USDA. Hopefully this can all be accomplished in a timely manner, and the citizens of Wrangell will finally be celebrating groundbreaking for our new medical facility.

Robert Henry

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I am pleased to report that I learned to read at an early age. I am having a considerably harder time learning to sit quietly and listen to what is going on, but am making inroads there also. Taken all the way around those skills will enable me to serve the public well as a member of an officiating board.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

The reinstatement issue with Dr. Salard, getting a new administrator, going ahead with hospital building plans are among pressing, identified, needs.

What is your opinion of the lawsuit filed by the borough against former members of the hospital board?

I am not qualified to comment on legal jargon flying around as to either quality or quantity. It would seem that some choices were made that are not meshing with what could be termed "the good of the people". I am waiting for the salvo directed at the legal help WMC had at the time, perhaps that is a non-issue, time will tell.

What are your thoughts regarding the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center facility?

If financially feasible I say, "let’s do it."

Marlene Messmer

What is your previous experience on boards or other relevant experience that would qualify you as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

I am currently a newly elected member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board and said if I was elected I would run again in this election.

What are some of the main hospital-related issues you would like to address as a member of the Wrangell Medical Center Board of Directors?

Some of the issues that need addressing are the hiring of a CEO and CFO and getting the new hospital project going.

What is your opinion of the lawsuit filed by the borough against former members of the hospital board?

Being a current member of the board, I can not speak on that topic.

What are your thoughts regarding the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center facility?

I have positive thoughts that the funds will be secured and we will be able to move forward with the project.


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