Meet the Candidates


Maxi Wiederspohn

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell Borough Assembly?

I was born and raised in Wrangell and my work history is all in Wrangell. I will be a good listener then get as many facts and answers as I can. I can then consider what is best for the community as a whole. I will not jump to any judgment and will follow the rule of law.

Why are you running for the assembly?

To give back to the community and the people that I love so much. I would like to move the community forward to economic stability. Work on ways for more jobs and generally make Wrangell continue to be a great place to live and raise a family. Many of our families are generations strong and I would like to see that continue.

What do you see as possible economic development projects for Wrangell during the next three years?

I’m sure there are opportunities for Wrangell and other Southeast communities. Again we need to help create the atmosphere that will entice small business to come to Wrangell. It can be in timber, fishing, tourism or possibly light manufacturing. We need to help new people fit into our community.

What is your opinion of the current status of the Wrangell Medical Center renovation project?

On the Wrangell Medical Center renovation project, we need to move forward as soon as possible. Our hospital is out of date and noncompliant with Medicare. Our loved ones need to have their own rooms. People are working 2 or 3 to a room set up for one. Confidentially is impossible in those conditions. One has to go somewhere else or schedule when no one else is there.

Billie Younce

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be on the Wrangell Borough Assembly?

I am currently an Assembly member for the City and Borough of Wrangell, I have served on Tlingit and Haida parenting counsel from 1998- 2006, served a 2 year term on the Wrangell Wellness board of directors, as well as served on the planning committee of the Wrangell Emblem in 2009. I've also studied in the Paralegal field.

Why are you running for the assembly?

I'm running for the Assembly again because I care, I care about the economy of Wrangell. I am dedicated to Wrangell's past, present and future.

What do you see as possible economic development projects for Wrangell during the next three years?

Wrangell is currently exchanging our 200 ton boat haul out (travel lift) and replacing it with a larger and efficient one that would allow us (Wrangell) to store and maintain a much larger variety of boats with putting in a 300 ton haul out (travel lift) . Wrangell also has a wonderful opportunity of the music wood industry allowing for a small mill that selects Wrangell's wood products.

What is your opinion of the current status of the Wrangell Medical Center renovation project?

As per the Borough Managers report, staff has initiated contact with the USDA regarding what steps they would like us to take (amending existing loan application, submitting a new loan application, etc) in moving forward.

James Stough - Running unopposed

Pam McCloskey - Running unopposed


David Jack

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be the next mayor of Wrangell?

A resident of Wrangell since 1960, with some time away in the army. I was a police officer for the City of Wrangell over 17 years and Harbormaster for over 3 years. I have been on the Assembly for the last 3 years. All of this time has been in service to the people of Wrangell.

Why are you running for mayor?

I believe I can serve the City and Borough in a different capacity as mayor. To continue the direction in which Mayor Maxand was going to enhance the environment to attract new industry and new jobs to Wrangell. To make sure that borough business is conducted in a correct and legal manner.

What is your opinion of the current status of the Wrangell Medical Center renovation project?

A lot of this question depends on what the decision is from USDA. If you have read the Borough managers report, it is in their hands at this point. With a new medical center board in place, a decision from USDA should be forthcoming. I am not going to make any guesses as to what that decision will be.

What are your goals for the next two years, if elected?

To do what I can to attract new jobs to Wrangell. There have been some good things happen in the last few years such as The Marine Service Center. I can see expansion happening in that area. Most of the function of the mayor and assembly is to create an environment where businesses can flourish and then get out of their way.

Don McConachie

What background or experience do you have that qualifies you to be the next mayor of Wrangell?

I have been active in the Wrangell Community for several years. I have served on P&Z, Wrangell Chamber, Nolan Board, and Borough Assembly. I have enjoyed being active in those capacities and have felt that things have been accomplished with the efforts of many individuals that have worked together to complete a sought after goal.

Why are you running for mayor?

I am running for Mayor to continue building on Wrangell’s strengths and past accomplishments and to complete new endeavors.

What is your opinion of the current status of the Wrangell Medical Center renovation project?

I believe that we are in a poor situation to be able to construct a new Medical Center with feelings running high on both sides of the issue. We now have a new Board and the objective should be to move on from the past, set new goals for the future and work together to complete them.

What are your goals for the next two years, if elected?

My goals for the next two years are: Build a Hospital; Have some economic activity at the Mill site; Solid Waste development; Expand the boat haul out.


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