Police reports

Monday, Sept. 17

-Citizen Assist, unlock vehicle.

-Verbal warning given for driving habits.

-Littering at outdoor shooting range.

Tuesday, Sept. 18

-Individuals were given a disorderly conduct warning.

-Motor vehicle accident.

-Verbal warning given for display of tags.

Wednesday Sept. 19

-Request for extra patrol.

Thursday, Sept. 20

-Person brought in a yellow lab that has been running loose.

-Mark Hamley, 35, arrested on charges of DUI while license revoked.

Friday, Sept. 21

-Verbal warning given for faulty equipment and failure to carry drivers license.

-Request to have assistance unlocking vehicle.

-Person reported a truck speeding out the road, officer responded.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

-Report of equipment on fire, Fire Department notified.

-Report of possible intoxicated driver, officer responded.

-Verbal warning for faulty equipment.

-Verbal warning of no head light.

Saturday, Sept. 22

-Arrested Thomas Wickman, 31, on charges of DUI.

-Citation issued to Reid Allen Hawkins for dog at large.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.


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