Human skull found near Stikine River

A skull, possibly belonging to a Native, was found last week in a slough just off Government Slough, near the mouth of the Stikine River.

Vena Stough, a Wrangellite who was hunting and fishing in the area with her boyfriend, found the skull while pulling a canoe up the waterway.

“I found it at about 1 o’clock on Friday off the slough in the Stikine River,” she said. “I saw it and realized it was a human skull, a male, and most likely Native. It had a very prominent brow ridge.”

Stough said she was taking photos of the area and of her boyfriend’s canoe when she noticed the skull at the very edge of the water.

“It was right on the edge of the water, and was probably underwater recently but I saw it because the river level has been dropping lately,” she added. “We were up trout fishing, and this is pretty cool to have found.”

The skull was first handed over to the Wrangell Police Department, who then transported it to the Tongass National Forest supervisor’s office in Petersburg early this week. An anthropologist at the office has slated it for study.


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