Tentative Shakes dedication schedule released

The Wrangell Cooperative Association has released the tentative schedule of events for the Rededication of Shakes Island set for May 3-4, 2013.

Beginning on Friday, May 3 a noontime parade through downtown, as well a children’s regalia contest and canoe races will take place. A bingo tournament and Native dancing is set for that evening beginning at 7 p.m. with a location as yet to be determined.

On Saturday the events will begin in earnest with the “One People Canoe Society” making a landing of seven canoes from around the Southeast region between 9-10 a.m. The rededication of the Chief Shakes Tribal House will take place between 10 a.m.-1 p.m., with speakers to follow and a marking of the corner posts of the house.

A group of Wrangell Native Shtax’heen Kwaan dancers, comprising both the Eagle and Raven clans will perform, to be followed by a lunch break.

Between 3-9 p.m. a conglomeration of Native dancers from across the region will hold a performance at the Wrangell High School gymnasium, with dinner to be served after the presentation.

According to Tis Peterman of the WCA, the tribe is still looking for speakers who derive from the Eagle clan. A scheduled speaker from the Raven clan, James Crippen, will address visitors on the importance of his grandmother, Margaret Sturdevant and her decades of service to upkeep on the island.

The tribe is also asking for the public’s help in housing a number of the 1,000 visitors who are expected to descend on Wrangell during the two-day event.

Anyone who is interested in helping can call Peterman or Carol Snoddy at 874-4304.


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