Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

Dear WMC Board Members,

It is my sincerest hope that you will read and consider this letter during the course of your meeting tonight as I write, once again, in my never ending support of Doctor Salard and the members of our community and hospital staff.

I have been an R.N. at Wrangell Medical Center since June of 2010. On the date I accepted my position, there were four full time physicians on staff at this hospital and available to our community. Thank Heavens for our wonderful Dr. Prysunka, who works brilliantly but tirelessly here as we have since lost Dr. McCandless, Dr. Torreano and Dr. Salard from the hospital. This is just inconceivable and I do not understand how we let this happen. The loss of Dr. Salard to his patients, to the community and to the hospital is still so painful that it is palpable, every day, at work and at home. I remain incredulous, ashamed and furious that this talented, willing physician is not available to us in the hospital and the emergency room where he excels; this is an abomination. We have lost three physicians since the date of my hire, Dr. Salard having been forced out by the former, recalled WMC board and the fired administer in the most shameful and despicable manner.

Rumors and lies from a scorned ex-wife were sought after and spread throughout our vulnerable community by individuals completely devoid of integrity, both in the administration and in the community. These individuals purposely set out to ruin this physician and his beautiful wife and children for no other reason than he attempted to stand up for the nursing staff and ask for better equipment for the emergency room and procedural changes to elevate our trauma status toits optimal designation.

What breaks my heart now and shatters my confidence in humanity is that Dr. Salard was found innocent of any and all allegations leveled against him. He was investigated by the former administration ad nauseum, allowed himself to be vetted exhaustively and and these disgraceful allegations were found to be fabricated, fallacious, and unsubstantiated. Yet, his privileges remain denied; the former board refused his request to be re-credentialed. He loves our community, he and his family wish to make this their home for life. He is an upstanding member of the community, he is generous and kind. He is a wonderful physician! He has patients who want their physician back who are amazed that he cannot treat them in our emergency department.

The loss of Dr. Salard is not simply sad and heart breaking; it is dangerous to the community. Dr. Prysunka, as amazing as she is, works all day in the clinic and the hospital and at night, she is on call in the emergency room for the entire community! We should be ashamed for treating her in this way! We do have a traveling doctor here and there and fortunately, Dr. Torreano is here occasionally, but with that said our community must settle for doctors they do not know, have no rapport with and are not vested in our community as they come and go as locum tenens. I personally have been told by two physicians that they would never consider moving to Wrangell and working at WMC after what Dr. Salard has had to endure. They explained to me that this is a dangerous place to work if one is a physician.

I have addressed the former board both in person and in writing in my support of Dr. Salard. I have written letters to the editor of the Wrangell Sentinel in my support of Dr. Salard as have many of our nurses. I have been extremely vocal in the community in my support and I have feared for my job each and every time, as I do now. The effect this has had on the staff at WMC is significant as well. Trudy Johnson did not retire, she resigned with this incident being the “final straw” and two full time, highly competent RNs have changed their status to per diem. As I said, my job is in danger each time I speak regarding this matter.

But now I beg. I beg you to mend this injustice and re-instate our Doctor Salard. I am so excited that a new board with fresh and intelligent eyes will help our community in this way. Thank you so much for your time and generous consideration of this important matter.

M. Beth Kuehn, RN


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