The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

Nov. 14, 1912: Considerable uneasiness is felt here for the safety of “Capt. Kidd” a well known Wrangell character, who with his daughter, went up the Stikine to the Hot Springs some six weeks ago and who have not been heard from since. From all information gathered they must have been out of provisions for a week. Deputy Marshal, Schnabel made an attempt to get up the river Saturday on the Black Fox but the slush ice was running too strong and the party was obliged to turn back. Efforts are being made to have Chief Shakes and some of his braves attempt a passage up the river with provisions for the Hot Springs campers.

Nov. 12, 1937: Supervision of the gymnasium was given by the town council Monday night to Supt. George A. Fabricius of the Wrangell Public School. The gymnasium adjacent to the city has has been for several years under the supervision of the council. With the recent installation of a new heating plant and several improvements to the building, the gymnasium is now a most desirable place for various public entertainments at hours not conflicting with school athletic schedules. Its use is secured from Mr. Fabricius, who has agreed to hire a responsible high school student as janitor and turn all revenues above janitor service charges into the city treasurer. Upon presentation by Mr. Fabricius, of the need for a change in the hot water tank so that showers were available to basketball players the council authorized Gunderson, chairman of the property committee, to arrange to have such work done. For some time the hot water tank has been unsatisfactory.

Nov. 9, 1962: This Sunday, Nov. 11 Merlin Elmer Palmer Post No. 6 of the American Legion and Wrangell High School band and choirs will join together in playing tribute to American's defenders, past and present with guest speakers in a program in the high school gym at 2:30 p.m. American Legionnaires everywhere have a serious obligation to meet on Sunday. As the concern increases over the apparent hesitancy of our countrymen to display their patriotism so the meek becomes ever greater for the Legion to make every effort to inspire all Americans to express their love of country. Veterans Day belongs to the American Legion. This day marks the ending of a war, which gave birth to our organization. Now the holiday has taken on even greater significance in that it has become the one-day set aside by a grateful nation to honor those who have fulfilled the greatest demand of citizenship - honorable service in the defense of their country.

Nov. 12, 1987: Crews from the Kadin Corp. last week tore down the old Salvation Army barracks, the structure dating back to 1902, when Wrangellites worked together to bring stability, social services and religious guidance to the frontier community. Bruce Harding, who purchased the structure from the Salvation Army a few years ago said he did not have immediate plans for new construction. He said he had the building removed so he could obtain a better idea of the lay of the land at the site. Local historic and Salvation Army officials as well as Harding agreed the building had been allowed to deteriorate to a state where it was economically beyond repair. According to the Wrangell Historic Building survey, the Tlingit community initiated, constructed and maintained the Salvation Army barracks. According to the historic building survey, “William Tamaree, whose family has a long history of involvement with early missionary efforts in Wrangell, donated the building site. Members of the local Indian community provided materials and labor to build the building.” The structure, on completion in November 1902, was heralded in the very first issue of the Wrangell Sentinel, published on Nov. 20, 1902 as “a credit to our local Salvationists.”


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