Proposed ordinance deals with rural zoning

A proposed change to Title 20 of the Wrangell Municipal Code is up for review by the Borough Assembly – and would alter some definitions and add language regarding zoning in some of the borough’s most remote areas.

The most expansive change to the code would be the addition of a new section dealing with the Remote Residential Mixed Use zone, and would include Meyers Chuck, Union Bay, Thom’s Place, Olive Cove and Wrangell Island East.

“The remote residential mixed-use (RMU) district is intended to provide for very low impact land and water uses and activities in remote areas of the borough,” the new language of the section reads. “Such areas are not suitable or desirable for intensive development due to their lack of a developed road system, distance from established utility service areas, existing large lot development, and existing rural and subsistence lifestyles. These outlying settlements of the borough shall be protected from inappropriate or incompatible development in order to maintain their character and avoid the prohibitively high public costs associated with providing utility service and rapid emergency response services to them. RMU district zoning allows for low density uses consistent with the intent of each RMU sub-area zone, as described below.”

Those descriptions call for Farm Island and Sergief Island to maintain the historical use of area properties for residential dwellings, cabins, agriculture, cottage businesses, and subsistence living based on the area’s natural resources, while stating that, “Meyers Chuck maintain the historical use of the area for residential dwellings, cabins, marine services, cottage businesses, civic uses (e.g. post office, educational services), and subsistence living based on the area’s natural resources. Due to the area’s remoteness, small-scale commercial uses that complement a quiet rural lifestyle are allowed, provided they contribute to the overall quality of life in Meyers Chuck.”

The recommendations for Thom’s Place and Olive Cove are relatively the same as what is called for on Farm Island and Sergief Island – though any commercial use of Union Bay would be forbidden.

“Union Bay (should) maintain the historical use of the area for recreation, cabins, and subsistence living based on the area’s natural resources. Commercial uses are not allowed,” the draft ordinance states.

According to the proposal, some of the remote areas of Wrangell Island East back channel area are to be maintained for residential dwellings, cabins, cottage businesses, and subsistence living as well. Small-scale commercial uses that complement a quiet rural lifestyle can be allowed as long as they “contribute to the overall quality of life in Wrangell Island East.”

The new ordinance would also allow one- and two-family dwellings, to include modular and manufactured housing in the back channel area with a required conditional use permit. Union Bay would require a conditional use permit for all home occupations and boat repair and service, not to include fueling services would not allowed. Cottage industries would also be banned from the Union Bay area – though they would be allowed on Sergief Island with a conditional use permit.

An important factor in the proposed ordinance would deal with minimum lot sizes in each of the RMUs.

“The minimum lot size in the remote residential mixed-use (RMU) district is as follows: RMU-F1 (Farm Island) and RMU-F2 (Sergief Island) subareas have a minimum lot size of 4 acres; RMU-M (Meyers Chuck) subarea has a minimum lot size of .5 acres; RMU-O (Olive Cove) subarea has a minimum lot size of 1.25 acres; RMU-T (Thom’s Place) subarea has a minimum lot size of 1.25 acres; RMU-G (General Isolated Parcels) subarea has a minimum lot size of 1.25 acres; and RMU-E (Back Channel) subarea has a minimum lot size of 2 acres. No further division of lots is allowed in the (Union Bay) subarea,” the ordinance states.

According to Economic Development director Carol Rushmore, the Borough Assembly will consider the proposal after the New Year holiday.


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