WCA, White: Shakes House nearly complete

A late stretch of warm, fall weather saw the new Chief Shakes Tribal House roof up in a matter of days – and it wasn’t long before the weather switched, with cool, clear days giving way eventually to rain and some heavy winds.

“We’re still standing,” said Project Manager Todd White. “Take a look at the new foundation, massive logs and water tight roof, and you wonder what it’d actually take to make even a scratch in the awesome building. The interior remains bone-dry, thanks to a beefed up roof system.”

In addition to the classic cedar planks and shakes, White has added layers of 3/4-inch plywood and waterproof membrane.

Despite the tremendous visual progress, White said he isn’t distracted from his goal of making the National Historic Site perfect.

“It’s going to take a while still,” White said.  “We had to re-locate the temporary carving shed, which set us back some work-time. We also took the time to cover the totems located on the island to protect them from the weather. We’re looking at finishing the floors, then lighting, heat and electricity. And if it turns out we’re short a little cedar, we may be looking for new logs to mill and adze in order to finish the floor.”

Weather will remain a factor as well, White added.

“After all is done, we’re still going to need a window of cool, dry weather to get the house posts and artifacts back inside,” White said.  “They’re currently on display at the Nolan Center and Wrangellites know it’s tough to predict the weather.”

The Wrangell Cooperative Association, the group who has been the driving force behind the renovation, are ready to quit worrying and focus on the rededication ceremony planned for May of 2013.

“The building is golden,” said WCA’s Tis Peterman.  ”It’s encouraging to see the Tribal House progressing like it is. It’s in the latter stages of construction and after nearly 10 years of pushing, it’s nice to not have to worry about it getting finished. Now we can turn our attention squarely on the re-dedication.”

Nearly 700 visitors are expected to visit Wrangell May 3-4, with those in attendance consisting mostly of donors, dancers and canoe groups. According to the WCA, the number of attendees is expected to grow when individual travelers are included in the equation.


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