
On Friday, Nov. 23, Wrangell Magistrate Christine Ellis adjudicated the following case:

Judy Guggenbickler, 35, had a charge of Misconduct Involving a Controlled Substance 6th Degree, dismissed by the court under Rule 43 of the Alaska Rules of Criminal Procedure.

On Monday, Nov. 26, Wrangell Magistrate Christine Ellis adjudicated the following case:

Dana Cawthorne, 30, pled guilty to Criminal Misconduct in the 4th Degree – Property Damage. Two charges, Assault in the 4th Degree and Controlled Substance Use in the 6th Degree, were dismissed. Cawthorne was sentenced to pay restitution if requested and fees in the amount of $50, two years of probation, and she was ordered to complete a substance abuse evaluation to include up to 45 days in treatment.


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