Lee Myers

Lee Myers passed away on November 20 after a short illness.

After statehood, Lee Myers became the DOT Maintenance foreman for the Wrangell highways for the 20 years. He was responsible for the 12 miles of gravel road, the airport turnaround and ferry terminal. He also had to keep the state vehicles, equipment, and road signs in repair. Tiny, Ray and Bill were his assistants through those years.

In Lee's time off he hunted, fished, prospected and grew the biggest flower garden on Shustak Point.

The school science class would often view his Crystal collection from all over the globe.

He came to Wrangell with the Phillips and Halls as a logger in early 50s, then retired back to Oregon where they had all grown up. The ruggedness of Wrangell fit his character, and he regarded it as the matrix of life. He was falling timber, cutting firewood and going fishing to the end of his 90 years of quality time on earth.

He is survived by his wife Margaret who he met in Wrangell and his son Jerimiah (Jerry), who is an optometrist in Kodiak and who still visits Wrangell on July 4.


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