Police reports

Monday, Nov. 26

-Officer assisted with vehicle.

-Person reported stolen property.

-Suspicious activity.

-Officer notified person of suspended license.

Tuesday, Nov. 27

-Assisted line department.

-Warrant check.

-Officer responded to civil issue.

-Agency assist with probation.

-Officer responded to report of a possible DUI.

Wednesday, Nov. 28

Nothing to report.

Thursday, Nov. 29

-Concerned citizen.

-Caller reported gun lost, reported later gun has been found.


Friday, Nov. 30

-Vehicle theft reported.

-Traffic stop, license plates expired, temporary license on window.

-Citizen assist.

-Unlocked vehicle.

-Caller reported theft of item from property.

-Possible DUI.

-Citizen assist.

-Bar fight.

-Verbal warning given for no headlights and carry and show license.

Saturday, Dec. 1

-Officer responded to suspicious circumstance.

-Report of chimney fire, fire department dispatched and responded.

-Person called about unsecured door downtown, employee contacted.

-Officer responded to threats.

-Verbal warning for driving habits.

Sunday, Dec. 2

-Suspicious circumstance.

There were three ambulance calls and one dog call for the week.


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