
On Dec. 5, Wrangell Deputy Magistrate Leanna Splinter adjudicated the following case:

Russell E. Grey, 28, of Wrangell, pled guilty of Theft in the Third Degree and Criminal Trespass in the Second Degree. Two charges, Criminal Mischief in the Fifth Degree and Theft in the Third Degree were dismissed. Grey was sentenced to serve 15 days in jail, pay $1,250 in fines, pay $150 in surcharges, pay restitution up to $700, and to serve two years of probation.

On Dec. 11, Wrangell Magistrate Chris Ellis adjudicated the following case:

Spencer Stavee, 25, of Wrangell, pled guilty of being Alcohol Restricted in a Licensed Area. Stavee was sentenced to serve 2 days in jail, pay $100 in fines, pay $100 in surcharges, complete substance abuse intake with Alaska Island Community Services, and to serve one year of probation.


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