The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

Jan. 2,1913: Counting the chorus there were 35 much dressed Natives in the company Monday evening that presented 3 of the social and ceremonial dances of the Thlinget people celebrating the upcoming New Year. The first act constituted the Contentment dance which was formerly indulged inconsiderably when Peace and Plenty pervaded the village, the second act was executed as an old Thanksgiving ceremony and dedicated to the people who forwarded the Christmas trees in Wrangell last week, the third dancing number was a chief's dance executed by Charles YaeCook and Charles Jones. In concluding the program, Chester Worthington, interpreter for the evening, explained a few of the characters portrayed on the costumes and summarized the present condition of the Alaska Natives. He closed his remarks by giving as the cause of their humble condition in the eyes of the law, the American government whose flag they respected. At the word flag, a large one that had been fastened to Chief Kad-a-shan's staff was unfurled which made a surprising dramatic climax that brought down the house.

Jan. 7, 1938: “Do not issue a license to any person who has a record as a reckless driver,” the city council last night instructed City Clerk L.B. Chisholm. The council voted unanimously to stand firmly for public safety on the streets and highways. To that end enforcement of the ordinance for drunken or reckless driving is enjoined on Chief of Police C.H. Lloyd, who is also to see that regulations for auto and driver's licenses are enforced. In view of the financial benefits the town receives from the Wrangell Institute, the council instructed the clerk to issue complimentary driver licenses to four student truck drivers. These licenses are restricted to United States registered cars.

Jan. 11, 1963: Five-day-old Stanley F. Davis Jr., takes honors for being the first 1963 New Year baby born in Wrangell. He arrived Monday Jan. 7, at Bishop Rowe General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Stan Davis Sr., who live at 202 Armstrong Court. This is a first child for the couple. Young Stanley weighed six pounds 11 1/2 ounces at birth. The proud new father is a local fisherman. The second 1963 baby to arrive at Bishop Rowe General Hospital was also a boy. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sawyer Jr. the new son weighed seven pounds 12 ounces and arrived on January 10. He joins a brother and sister in the family. Welcoming the new arrival are grandmother Mrs. Knut Ness and grandfather Bob Sawyer Sr., general steward at the Elks Club.

Jan. 7, 1988: The Wrangell Museum will celebrate its 20th anniversary this year, and current Museum Director Pat Ockert and Wrangell Historical Society President Olga Norris are hopeful that the original organizers of the museum and the historical society will be able to help with the celebration. Ockert said she would like to prepare a history of the museum with text and photographs. “We hope that organizers will dig through their photographs and be able to provide us a look at the museum from its very beginning,” Ockert said. “We have very few photographs of the museum prior to 1980.” Ockert said she and Clint Sturtevant began photographing the museum as it changed from 1980 to the present. Norris said the historical society, which operates the museum, would like to hear from the many people who helped with the museum. “We'd like people to put down their thoughts and memories of the work that went into creating the museum for the community,” Norris said.


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