The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

January 20, 1913: As interesting a case of robbery as has been pulled off in Southeast Alaska for many moons was brought to light this week by the local author after complaint of Peter Funcie, assistant watchman at the Pt. Ward cannery, that the warehouse has been broken into and considerable valuable gear spirited away. The complications of the case are many on account of the belief that the assistant watchman is implicated in the crooked transaction. Last Friday the watchman of Pt. Ward cannery came to Wrangell and entered a complaint against Jack Hopkins and Bob Roberts, owner of the launch Edgar. The pair were immediately placed under arrest and a hearing date set for Monday morning. In the meantime Marshall Schnabel was busy searching evidence, which was found in plenty on the launch lying at the public float loaded with ropes, cork and lead lines and a tarp, which were identified by W. D. Grant as property of the Pt. Ward Packing Co. Then Schnabel went out in the Duckland to find witnesses believed to hold knowledge of the thefts.

January 28, 1938: Again this year the Department of Vocational Education wished to offer evening classes in Home Economics to any of the girls and women of the town who may be interested. Two possibilities have been suggested, a course in foods and cooking for those who are inexperienced and wish to learn some principles of plain cooking and meal planning; or a course in sewing - beginning, advanced, or remodeling, as the group may desire. An evening class offers an opportunity to young or inexperienced home makers to improve their methods of cooking or to learn to sew, and the school hopes that many will be interested. Miss Mary Alice Shields, high school home economics teacher, will be the instructor.

January 25, 1963: Three long blasts from the Wrangell Lumber Company's whistle at 6:45 yesterday morning welcomed the M/V Malaspina to this lumber capital of Alaska. Southeast Alaska's marine highway was officially in business. The sleek blue and gold vessel, first of the three big ferries which will traverse the Prince Rupert-Haines-Skagway route was on her maiden voyage and scores of townsfolk turned out to crowd the ferry approach for first glimpse of the new vessel. It departed for Petersburg some two hours later. “She's running nicely,” said Admiral B.E. Lewellen, head of the Marine Transportation Division, who was aboard for the first voyage. “We're taking it easy, ironing out the kinks and everything seems to be highly successful.” Gov. William A. Egan, bound for his inaugural in Juneau this weekend after a quick trip to the national capital for a conference with President Kennedy and other top officials was up bright and early to greet the official boarding delegation and to extend best wishes to the residents of Wrangell. “We feel that ferries are going to be a fine thing for Southeast Alaska and the entire state,” commented the Governor as he reached for another cup of coffee in the snack room.

January 28, 1988: Should the city of Wrangell spend about $400,000 a year to barge its garbage to Juneau? Should the city build an incinerator, as planned, at the site of the existing landfill? Or, should the city spend another $900,000 and put in an incinerator - as well as the needed electricity and sewer line - on the Spur road? These are the questions the City Council has been facing as officials explore options available for meeting a compliance order handed down by the Department of Environmental Conservation. The city is under an order to stop open burning at the dump on Airport Road by the end of the year. Council members previously had been moving ahead with a plan to install an incinerator at the existing dump site - and a $460,000 state grant was received to pay half the cost of that installation.


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