Letters to the Editor

To the Editor:

I see that SEAPA was all over our last paper. They spoke of gathering to regain their focus, and draft a mission statement. I found it quite telling that they emphasis that they would spend the rate payers monies for this excursion in Alaska. They stated it like they where sacrificing for all of us the little people, their valued customers. Is this because these letters to the editor are exposing your BS throughout the local service area? Is this because these proceedings, as well as these letters have been read by the governor? Can it be that the experts of SEAPA now must redefine their hostile take over and ouster of we the people from the people’s utility?

Funny how they will spend thousands of dollars, drinking, eating, carousing all in the name of a retreat, when we all know this is nothing more than an announced all expense paid group vacation. When you are all out on this vacation, will you speak of the lack of funding for parts and tools to keep your valued customers with power? Will you think of the annual request from the local schools to provide funds to transport some children on a field trip to the power plant for the usual 4 hour tour? 

Kip Valvoda 


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