Peggy's Corner of the House

By Representative

Peggy Wilson

Hello again from Juneau. Another busy week has passed and my staff and I are settled into a routine or as close to a routine as is possible in Juneau.

We are charging forward in the Resources Committee with a lot to accomplish this session. This week we have been thoroughly reviewing legislation that is designed to expedite the construction of an in-state natural gas pipeline from the North Slope to consumers in the rail belt region and to a saltwater terminal. We started the scoping process on this in 2010 and are now determining if it is feasible and in the states’ best interests to move forward.

I am pleased to report that we have passed HB 77 out of the Resources committee last week. This bill is intended to help the Department of Natural Resources become more timely and efficient in their water and land permitting programs. We are now reviewing and listening to testimony on HB 78 that seeks to develop a program for regulating dredge and fill activities in waters and wetlands of the state – the program that is currently regulated by the US Corps of Engineers.

Because a significant portion of our state is wetlands, most projects require federal dredge and fill permits. By developing our own program, we hope to streamline the permitting process. There is still a long road to go before the state could take over but I believe it is worth having DNR go forward to see if it is achievable. Anything that the state can do to enhance the process, encourage responsible development and therefore create jobs is in the best interests of my constituents.

Of interest to many volunteer fire departments should be HB 28 that has been introduced. This bill would exempt paid membership agreements offered by local governments or community based non-profits that provide ambulance, fire protection or emergency services from state insurance law. It would also enable the volunteer emergency services to bill an insurance company if that person has insurance coverage. This bill is currently in the Rules Committee.

The Transportation Committee was provided with agency updates on the Alaska Railroad Corporation and the Port MacKenzie Project this week. We also heard and passed HB 15 which raises the weight threshold and reduces the burden of commercial registration for certain small trucks and trailers. As current statutory description stands, we are requiring business pickup trucks that are 10,000 pounds or more to be commercially registered and meet the same inspection and safety requirements of a large dump truck or semi-trailer. This bill raises the weight limit to 14,000 pounds so that small contractors such as carpenters, pilot cars, lawn care contractors etc. are not burdened unnecessarily.

As in the past weeks, I have had the pleasure to meet with a number of constituents from Ketchikan, Wrangell and Prince of Wales. Delegations from Wrangell, the Alaska Assoc. of School Boards, educators and superintendents fly-in, Ketchikan and State Fire Chief’s Assn. and Alaska State Chamber members were all welcomed at my office.

Thanks to all of you for keeping me well informed.

As noted in the Alaska Journal of Commerce, Ketchikan’s own Kate Cessnun is to be honored as one of Alaska’s Top 40 under 40 recipients – congratulations Kate!

That’s all for this week from Peggy’s Corner of the House.


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