Police reports

Monday, Feb. 4


-Agency assist, dead eagle.

-Random breath test.

-Citation issued to Opal Wilsey, 41, for operating without valid registration and failure to provide proof of insurance.

Tuesday, Feb. 5

-Unsecured load, verbal warning given.

-Noise disturbance, verbal warning for disorderly conduct.

Wednesday, Feb. 6

-Verbal warning no head lights.

-Officer called person back about cat complaint.

-Agency assist.

Thursday, Feb. 7

-Officer assisted citizen in opening vehicle.

-Officer returned found property to owner.

-Officer responded to reckless driving complaint.

-Arrested Dominic Lee, 20, on violation conditions of release.

-Arrested Devon Nore, 18, on violation conditions of release.

-Request for a welfare check.

Friday, Feb. 8

-Officer responded to person trespassing.

-Citizen assist, officer gave person a message.

-Fire department requested and dispatched.

-Person reported her apartment flooding, owner out of town. Water is being turned off.

-86’d letter served.

Saturday, Feb. 9

-Caller requested vehicle unlocked.

-Caller reported injured eagle, Forest Service brought it into the station.

-Welfare check requested, officer responded all is okay.

-Person came in to the station about being harassed. Civil issue over child custody.

-Vehicle parked on side of road, vehicle moved.

-Verbal warning given for driving habits.

Sunday, Feb. 10

-Nothing to report.

There were four ambulance calls and one dog call during the week.


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