The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

March 6, 1913: The first Legislature of the Territory of Alaska met and organized Monday afternoon in the Juneau Elks Hall. Members of both bodies were administered the oath of office by judge T.R. Lyons and Peter D. Overfield. Gen. William L. Distint, presided at the opening of both bodies. The presiding officers of both houses were elected unanimously L. V. Ray of Seward, being made President of the Senate and E. B. Collins, Speaker of the House. Other officers were rapidly filled and the Governor notified that the Legislature was ready for action. Silver dollars were flipped by the senators from each division to see which should get the long terms, Sens. Tanner, Bruner, Millard and Sutherland being the ones fortune favored.

March 4, 1938: Basketball fans look forward to the first of a series of unofficial tournament games to be held tonight in the municipal gym. Metlakatla Town Team will engage Wrangell Town Team in tonight's first event. It will be the first time these two teams have met in several seasons. In the second game Klawock will again tackle Wrangell Institute. They returned Thursday from Kake where they met defeat in two games but their chances against Institute are now greatly improved as at Kake they annexed M. Grant and L. Austin into their lineup. Both men were stellar hoopsters of Kake's victorious five and are former Institute students. Of the team from Annette Island we know very little save that Metlakatla turns out some bang-up melon-tossing units as Wrangell and others have learned to their sorrow in the past. We know however, that they trounced the Kebley team, league leaders of Ketchikan, and were in turn beaten by the Tongass Five, second in command of the league.

March 1, 1963: Hernando Villarma of Wrangell was elected to the post of commander of the Southeast American Legion district at the district convention held in Haines last week. Wrangell was also voted the next convention, which will be held here in January of 1964, delegates from Wrangell to the Haines meeting reported. Other officers elected were Ray Perkins of Sitka, first vice commander, Charles Burnett of Haines, second vice, Fr. Miller of Haines, chaplain; Peter Figuerro, Ketchikan, Sergeant-at-arms, Richard Ballard, Wrangell post commander, was elected to the executive board with Al Perkins of Sitka and Jerry Blair of Ketchikan

March 3, 1988: Wrangell and Petersburg need to work out a power sharing arrangement - and do it quickly - to make sure electricity from the Tyee Lake hydroelectric project can be doled out properly if a shortage occurs. That was the consensus Monday when the Wrangell City council met with its power attorney Eric Redman of Seattle, as well as three representatives of the Thomas Bay Power Authority. When one of the two turbines at the Tyee Lake project is down for repair or maintenance, the two cities' demand for power could easily exceed the project's generation capacity, said Harry Sundberg of the TBPA. Sundberg suggested that some interim agreement between the two towns is needed - and needed now - to dole out power if such a shortage occurs. Wrangell Electrical Superintendent Frank Fields said that this summer or coming winter, with heavy use by fish processing plants in Petersburg or demand for winter heating could boost the power needs of the two towns over the project's ability to generate.


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