'Kick Butts' day set for next week

Students of Wrangell Public Schools will join thousands of youth across the country by taking part in Kick Butts Day on March 20 in a nationwide initiative that makes kids leaders in the effort to stop youth tobacco use.

Elementary, middle and high school students in Wrangell will participate in a variety of Kick Butts Day activities, such as attending assemblies that will educate them about the impact of tobacco use and demonstrate the ways that the tobacco industry is daily striving to target them as “replacement smokers,” and several students will put together posters to be used in the schools and the community to raise awareness of the problem of tobacco use

Some students will also take part by distributing free tobacco-free window clings to businesses in the community to encourage businesses to do their part to protect kids from tobacco. Wrangell Public School’s Tobacco Prevention Program will be hosting a free showing of Night at the Museum at the Nolan Center on the evening of Kick Butts Day at 6 p.m. Additional educational information and resources will be available to the entire community at that evening’s event.


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