The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

March 20, 1913: The Convention of delegates from 16 subordinate camps of the Arctic Brotherhood met at Douglas, Alaska on March 14 and voted almost unanimously for the resolution declaring Great Camp offices vacant and the convention to the Grand Camp. The resolution which follows was adopted at the morning and at the evening session Major J.F.A. Strong of Juneau was elected Grand Arctic Chief; J.M. Tanner of Skagway, Past Grand Arctic Chief; and C.A. Hopp of Douglas, Vice Grand Arctic Chief. Resolved, by the Arctic Brotherhood that; First all offices of the G.C. of right to be and the same are hereby declared vacant. Second-that-this convention by virtue of the power invested by the direct mandate of the 16 subordinate camps, should reorganize the G.C. in conformation with the fundamental principles of the order; elect all necessary officers thereof; provide for the future meetings of the G.C. and later or amend the constitution- subject to ratification by 2/3 of the

subordinate camps.

March 18, 1938: Work on seine boat to be jointly owned by Lawrence Bahovec, Warren Gartley and Lloyd Benjamin is well under way this week at the Fletcher boat shop. Considered by many as an ideal all-around fishing boat for this district the craft is built of number one Puget Sound fir throughout, is 38 feet over all with an 11-foot beam, planked with full inch stock, and is to be powered with a six cylinder 71 horsepower Gray motor with a three to one reduction gear. The forecastle as planned will accommodate four and it is estimated by “Chief” Fletcher, who is also the designer as well as head builder that the boat will carry between 4,500 and 5,000 salmon. The youthful owners, all local boys, expect to seine next season on a three-way split, since each will own a share of the boat and gear. Lawrence Bahovec, with six seasons of seining to his credit, will be skipper. It will be Benjamin's first year of seining experience but the fourth for Gartley.

March 15, 1963: Chamber of Commerce members will roll up their sleeves and fly at it Sunday, March 24 at 1 p.m. at the City Park, adjoining the graveyard area, to put the park in shape to accommodate traveling campers who are expected to arrive during the summer months on the new ferry highway. Stressing the need for such accommodations, President Frank Murkowski appointed P.C. McCormack, Jr., chairman of a committee to include Leonard Campbell, R.H. Armstrong and Ole Buness, to survey in the interim the needs at the park to put the facilities in shape. Then on March 24, all members are expected to be on hand for a work party detail. Many letters have been received by the Chamber and at the school asking about accommodations for parking and camping facilities, it was brought out. Supt. Ray Nims said there were queries in the school mail almost daily and it was a problem to give an answer when no facilities existed. President Murkowski and other members expressed a similar view, that something must be done. City Park, now in an unkempt condition, drew first priority for immediate action.

March 17, 1988: Wrangell's 36th Annual King Salmon Derby will be held May 14-20, organizers have announced. The Salmon Derby Committee has decided to offer a $500 prize for the first king salmon that weighs in at more than 50 pounds. As in the past couple of years, the committee will also give $1,000 to the first king that tops 60 pounds. First place will be worth $5000; second, $3000; and third, $2000. In all, more than $11,500 in cash prizes are being offered in the derby, as well as the long list of other prizes given by Wrangell businesses and organizations. The weekend weigh-in station will be at the harbormaster's office, and the weekday station will be at the Totem Bar. Derby brochures are available at several downtown stores. Tickets, which aren't available yet, will be $15 each. The Wrangell derby began in 1953 with Fred Angerman landing a 45.3 pound king to win first place. That was the second smallest winner in derby's history. The smallest was 44.3 and caught by Ron Castle in 1969. The largest fish was caught in 1954, a 74.4 king landed by Doris Iverson. Barney Iverson, Doris Iverson, Benny Lanting and George Wigg are all two-time top winners. Last year's winning fish weighed 53.7 pounds and was caught by Dave Grukey of Arkansas.


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