Police reports

Monday, March 4

-Report of person parked in roadway by a fire hydrant. Verbal warning given.

-911 Call - Person apologized and said phone was in their back pocket.

-Person reported backing into vehicle. Damage under $2000.

-Report of possible theft.

-Report of person screaming, yelling and throwing things around. Officer responded and spoke with individual.

-Dog brought into station. Owner contacted and picked up their dog.

-Officer unlocked vehicle.

-911 dialed by mistake.

Tuesday, March 5

-Arrested Robert Rinehart, 50, for Disorderly Conduct and Resisting Arrest.

-Officer gave courtesy transport.

-911 - Caller reported person not home yet that has been gone at least 8 hours.

Wednesday, March 6

-Possible Gunshots.

-Citation issued to Pamela Oglend, age 49, for Driving with License Revoked.

Thursday, March 7

-Citation issued to Daniel Watts, age 26, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning for driving habits.

Friday, March 8

-Report of suspicious incident.

-Person called the station requesting information.

-911 - Person misdialed.

-Person called the station and spoke with officer about concerns they have.

-Caller requested welfare check. Officer delivered message for the person to call.

-911- Pocket call. All was okay.

-Citation issued to Joe W. Younce, 29, for Failure to Provide Proof of Insurance and verbal warning for Driving Habits. Driver brought in proof of insurance later to the station.

Saturday, March 9

-911 - Caller reported chimney fire. Fire Department dispatched.

-Report of missing dogs.

-Officer responded and unlocked vehicle.

Sunday, March 10

-Caller reported someone riding a motorcycle or 4-wheeler and making noise. Officers dispatched. UTL.

-Report of eagle with possible broken wing. Notified USFS officer and Trooper.

-911 - Person trying new cell phone out.

-Dylan M Franks, 23, arrested on charges of Reckless Endangerment (DV), and 2 VCORs.

-Person brought into the station on Title 47 for the night.

There were two dog calls during the week.


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