The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

April 3, 1913: For some time past, a local motorboat fan and member of the Wrangell Motor Boat Club has been corresponding with speed boat designers with the intention of having a hull built for a 24 horse power motor which he now has and a letter received from a Seattle designer which was shown in the Sentinel this week states that 30 miles per hour is quite possible with the combination of hull, motor and wheel in view. While one of this class is well enough for an exhibition it takes two to make a race so it is time for other bugs to get busy and build a swift one to enter the annual July 4 races. With two of these speedy ones for a starter, it ought not to be difficult to stir up some sporting pride in other Southeastern Alaska towns and have a big race meet here later in the season. The Sentinel would boost for it. Wouldn't you?

April 1, 1938: Although six candidates are in the field for three places on the city council, so far not as much interest as usual has been manifested in the city elections to be held next Tuesday. There is no contest in the mayor's or school board offices. The council candidates are George Gunderson, John Severson, Jorgen Ronning, L.M. Campbell, Nels Stensland and Mrs. M.O. Johnson. Gunderson and Campbell are the only candidates with previous experience on the council. Gunderson, who was appointed late last summer to fill the unexpired term of Herbert Bradley, whose office was declared vacant as required by law, after he had been away from town over three months, has made an excellent councilman. Mr. Campbell, likewise has served the town faithfully and competently, his service on the council having extended since 1934. He is chairman of the finance committee and an insight such as his of the town's affairs is difficult to attain except after much experience. Each of the other candidates is successful in his own line, Jorgen Ronning and John Severson as fishermen, Nels Stensland and Mrs. M.O. Johnson in business. Nomination of Mrs. Johnson, who left on a brief trip south three weeks ago, was filed by friends last week without her knowledge. Her acceptance was received by radiogram yesterday afternoon. Nomination of Mr. Ronning, also was filed by friends during his absence in Seattle and his acceptance sent by radiogram. He went south last month on the Andrea when it was taken down for alterations prior to the opening of the halibut season. Notwithstanding the indifference which Wrangell today seemingly feels toward the outcome of the city elections, it is very possible that by next Tuesday many citizens will have decided that they are very much interested in the election, but as matters now stand only 140 are eligible to vote, that being the number who had registered up to noon today.

March 29, 1963: Richard B. McGuffin, 28, a member of the Ketchikan police force for the last four years, was appointed Chief of Police by the City Council at its meeting Tuesday night. He succeeds Charles Thrift who recently resigned. The new officer takes over his new duties April 16 after completion of his work with the Ketchikan department. Other applications for police officer were Raymond R. Manning and John C. Caudle, former chief who now heads the police department in Power, Oregon. Harbormaster Ingle was named acting chief in the interview.

March 31, 1988: Fourth-grader Shannon Nore took the grand prize for her drug prevention poster in a Drugs Awareness Poster Contest sponsored by the local Lioness Club, Jeanette Dodson announced. Nore's poster will represent Wrangell at the district Lioness contest. If she wins on the district level, her poster will be printed and distributed statewide, Dodson said. More than 175 posters from children in grades 1-6 were entered, she said. Every participant will receive a certificate designed by Lioness Kitty Edenso. Other winners include: first grade- Dean Write, Alyse Garbisch, Scott Timothy and Amber Tripp; second grade- Adam Messmer, Mike Lafores, Aaron Angerman and Dylan Cawthorne; third grade- Ryan Hayes, Kyle Hommel, Douglas Frazier, Mike David Previtte, Diane Taylor and James Robert Ivy; fourth grade- Corey Grummer, Justin Davies, Jay Tyner and George Twedt, fifth grade- Nealy Robinson, Jessica Rice, Vivian Mork and Trina Younce; sixth grade- Trina Ivy, Sheree Rasler, Sasha Koch and Hope Gadd. Dodson said there were several other winners who submitted “really neat posters” but failed to sign their full names. The Wrangell Council on Alcoholism will use all the poster entries in their May Drugs Awareness convention, she said.


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