Why should you be appointed to the Borough Assembly to fill the vacancy left by William B. Privett?

I think that I should be appointed to the vacant position because I will bring an open mind to the council.  I have no agenda or preconceived notions regarding any of the issues currently facing the Borough. I will be open to all opinions and will educate myself to the best of my ability on the various topics. I will work with other council members and city staff to ensure that our community continues to grow and prosper. 

What is the next step forward, in your opinion, on the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center?

I am very excited that this project continues to progress forward. I am a little concerned that we may be bogging down revisiting issues that have been previously addressed. I am pleased that Wrangell Medical Center is working with Alaska Island Community Services towards unifying the medical campus and finding efficiencies that could save the community money while enhancing services. In my opinion the next steps forward are: (1) to secure/confirm funding, (2) ensure costs can be covered by existing and future revenue streams, (3) maximize financial benefits to local contractors and suppliers through the construction phase, and, (4) build the facility. 

What is your outlook on the energy issues facing Wrangell, Petersburg, SEAPA and the Thomas Bay Power Authority?

This is a topic that I am going to have to be educated on. I know that the there are concerns in the community and we must address them in a constructive manner. I would think that power production and distribution is a complex process and that there are many knowledgeable people who are very dedicated to “keeping the lights on” in Wrangell. I look forward to learning more and making informed, thoughtful decisions in regards to this area.  This asset must be carefully managed or it could be easily squandered. 

What is your opinion on the proposed sales tax rate reduction on the ballot this October?

At first blush lower taxes are a good thing. However, we must also look at what we will be losing if this proposal moves forward. Perhaps there are ways to creatively fund the areas that will be affected by the lost revenue. Or the community could simply get used to fewer services. But, I always try to remember that just because something is not important to me does not mean that it is not important to someone else. Or, that a family member or I may require that service in the future. The Senior Center is an excellent example. I don’t use it now, but it would sure be nice to have when I am older. Our community grew while most other communities in Southeast Alaska lost population. People come to Wrangell because we have a spectrum of services and facilities that other communities do not have. Cutting the tax base may cause unforeseen issues. A declining population can compound funding problems. I do appreciate the concerns that have been brought forward by the sponsors of the ballot measure. However, I believe the services these funds support are worth keeping. I will vote against this measure. 


Why should you be appointed to the Borough Assembly to fill the vacancy left by William B. Privett?

I have had a very long career within the local government arena for the last 32 years, first working in the Finance Department and then advancing through administration to Wrangell’s City Clerk. I have enjoyed each position held, while learning the process of the local government affairs administered by an elected body in an Assembly/Manager form of government. I am very familiar with the responsibilities and duties of the Borough Assembly. I feel I am qualified to carry out the duties as required and expected. I am a true Wrangellite having lived here my entire life, with the exception of leaving the island to attend college. And, I know our local citizens very well to know that we all want the same thing, which is fairness, equality, respect, and a decent, healthy way of living. I love and care about Wrangell and I would like to be a voice representing our citizens and help provide for their needs and services while providing the community with a continued, strong foundation and economy.

What is the next step forward, in your opinion, on the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center?

I know we all want a new facility built as soon as possible. With a new medical board and administrator in place we have credibility, continuity and stability now. Let’s move forward. We all know the shape the present hospital and long-term care facility is in. There is a deteriorating infrastructure and our patients are not comfortable in their rooms. And, everyone has outgrown the areas they work in. It’s not productive if we wait any longer. Plus, I believe with a new facility it would bring in more patients. That means more revenue to help maintain the facility and stabilize the community’s economics.

What is your outlook on the energy issues facing Wrangell, Petersburg, SEAPA and the Thomas Bay Power Authority?

With what I know about the energy issue, downsizing the Wrangell facility, the Thomas Bay Power Authority, may not be the answer. Wrangell needs representation just as all the other communities involved. This also provides a stable economy, keeping those jobs right here in our community. Once the recently formed special energy committee gives their first report I will have a better idea on the future energy issues for all communities involved in the aspects of the 2008 memorandum of understanding and their recommendations to the Borough Assembly.

What is your opinion on the proposed sales tax rate reduction on the ballot this October?

Reduction in sales taxes can bring less service provided to our community. Ask yourself what you are willing to go without or have less of. We all know that services such as having a pool, a library, public safety, health care and education are essential and should not be diminished. The more you diminish services, the more you will see people leave our island and move to places that provide these services. Nothing is for free and the seven percent sales tax is not asking for a lot, and in my opinion there are far more communities that have a much higher rate. I just do not want to see the sales tax rate decreased.


Why should you be appointed to the Borough Assembly to fill the vacancy left by William B. Privett?

It will be a pleasure to serve this community, and help struggle with the issues this borough faces.                                                              

What is the next step forward, in your opinion, on the construction of a new Wrangell Medical Center?

I do not know exactly where we are at with the new hospital, however I have worked on several and know a good bit about them.        

What is your outlook on the energy issues facing Wrangell, Petersburg, SEAPA and the Thomas Bay Power Authority?

As far as SEAPA goes I am hard pressed to believe we need them. They are attempting to take from us our future and our independence, plain and simple.

What is your opinion on the proposed sales tax rate reduction on the ballot this October?

I believe that this sales tax keeps our city from needing to make up a new tax. We need to be taxed evenly this is one way, much as I don’t like it I think it must stay, after all look what all we have.


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