The Way We Were

In the Sentinel 100, 75, 50 and 25 years ago.

May 29, 1913: A deal was consummated Saturday whereby L.G. Pruell and T. Berthelson became proprietors of the Kirmse Jewelry and curio store, and took possession on that day. The buy is a good one as the store has a nice local trade in jewelry and curios in addition to the repair work and captures a great deal of the tourist trade. The two new owners are both well known in Ketchikan as being energetic young businessmen, Gus as assistant manager at the Tongass Trading Company with which he has been associated for the past 13 years and possess a host of friends and well-wishers. Mr. Berthelson has been in charge of Kirmse Store since its beginning in the neighborhood of a year ago and has made it the success it is.

May 27, 1938: The Wrangell Town Baseball team, under the management of J.R. Brown, has started in this year to revive the old-time interest and spirit that has been lacking in the All American game in Wrangell for several years. Three practice games have already been played with the Wrangell Institute and preparations are being made to entertain Wrangell sports enthusiasts with a game Monday afternoon at the school diamond with a team from the Diamond K cannery as opponents.

May 31, 1963: The Fourth of July Queen kick-off dance will be held tomorrow night in the Elks building starting at 10 p.m. Mrs. Yvonne Stough, chairman of the Fourth of July committee, said that due to the fact that there is no orchestra available, the dance will be a record dance and she requested those attending to bring their favorite record. She said Wrangell's Queen contestants will be introduced at 11 p.m. Admission to the dance will be 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for teenagers.

May 26, 1988: The Visitors A-Frame operated by the Wrangell Chamber of Commerce is open now for regular summer hours. The center, managed by Delores Lofftus with part-time help from Dorothy Griese, is open 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Mondays, Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays. Tuesday hours run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., and every other Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. On Wednesdays, the center is open 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Tuesday and Wednesday hours are to accommodate cruise ships while they are in port. The chamber also is planning a joint meeting with the Petersburg Chamber of Commerce sometime soon. Organizers said that members of the two groups feel they have many of the same concerns about issues facing both communities. Chamber members also are encouraging Wrangellites to donate fish to the annual Salmon Bake, scheduled for this Sunday. The chamber's Fourth of July Committee also is seeking folks willing to run for royalty and help raise money for the events. For more information, contact Keene Kohrt.


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